Looking Down on People From Atop a Big-Ass Mecha

1810 Words

Looking Down on People From Atop a Big-Ass Mecha The Catoblepas model only looked downwards, 'cause that's where its targets ran around. Screaming. Jacobs chewed his gum loudly. “Come on, techs! I can’t wait to take this baby out tonight!” he laughed, gripping the controls. The team of techs swarmed around the giant mecha, loading it up with ammo, running diagnostics. It took about 200 workhours of maintenance for each hour of a mecha’s operation, but Jacobs didn’t give a s**t about any of that. “Are ya done?” he shouted in the comms. “One more thing,” the calm voice of the supervisor said. “Unh. Power levels are half a percent down, this shouldn’t happen. I really should cycle this one out for an overhaul.” “No, no, come on, man! One percent? That’s nothing. I’ll run her sweetly to

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