Utopia Needs U

2039 Words

Utopia Needs U "You'll grow the best strains of weed all day," the ad said, and Jay was instantly hooked. What could possibly be better than that? A life of just tending the garden, growing your space weed, relaxing, taking a whiff. Awesomesauce. "Where do I sign?" Jay said, excited. They dropped him off at the faraway colony. It was pretty much the farthest planet ever colonised by humanity. The automated terraforming was nearly done, and all it needed was the human population to take up residence. Since it wasn't a trade hub or anything, people needed actual incentives to go out there and colonise. Oh, well. You gotta start somewhere. He was the first to get there. "The other colonists will arrive within a standard month," they assured him. No matter, Jay could wait around a bit,

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