Prologue; Mate

369 Words
"Your mate will hold your wolf in a pendant on her neck, and you have to find her before the vampires do." Jasmine moved her head a little, stirring from her sleep. Her body felt heavy, but she had actually not slept all night, working at the club downtown in order to scrap up money to move out again. She had frequent attackers at her apartment, and for the fourth time in the last six months, she had to move out again. The attackers don't even seem to realize she is an orphaned teenager who needed to work for literally everything, they just kept attacking. With a small sigh, she raised her head and leaned back on her chair. She had used a free class time to sleep, and hadn't really woken up all through. It seemed she had slept through another class entirely. She stretched, and her eyes fell around the empty class. She was the only one in it and she immediately sprang up, her eyes widening. Suddenly, she heard a small shuffle of feet, and she looked up. The man in front of her was someone she had never seen before. Blonde, beautiful hair that tied up behind him, sharp jaw lines and piercing gray eyes. He wore a pristine white shirt that was opened three buttons down, a bit too scandalous for what he appeared to be; a teacher. Especially when he had a body like that. She tore her gaze away from him, and immediately packed up, then started to walk out. Thinking it would be too impolite, she turned to him, and mumbled a few pleasantries. He looked up at her, and for some reason, her heart beat picked up. She found herself stopping contrary to her plans, and she managed to swallow. He didn't say a word for some tine, and she managed a small smile, as her eyes dropped to the constellation tattoo that peeked on the side of his neck, and she found herself wanting to see where the tattoo ended. "Hello, Jasmine." Her eyes moved back to his face, just as his dropped to the shining black pendant on her chest, and he smiled up at her again. Mate.
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