Goals and Attractions

1011 Words
Jasmine passed the comb through her hair one last time, then watched the mirror. She wasn't quite sure why she was making an effort today, but she knew it had something to do with the new neighbour. She immediately shook her head. Maybe she should let herself become a full adult before hitting on a man like that, but she couldn't help wanting to be noticed by him. She swallowed, then put the hair up, tying it into a high ponytail. She was wearing a dress, and she watched herself in the mirror again. She rarely wore dresses and she thought she could just let it wait till her 18th birthday by the end of the week. She swallowed and walked out, knowing if she spent one more minute in the house she would find herself running to change, and she was already late. She had just closed the door when she heard a voice behind her. "You're late." She turned swiftly, and Zane was standing close to his car, an amused look on his face. He wore an all black ensemble this time around, his shirt left opened three buttons down to expose the gold chain he wore. He looked like he was just about to leave too, and might have stopped on seeing her door. She swallowed. "G..good morning, professor." "You can call me Zane when we are not in school. I will take you." He turned around and went into the car, then waited. She gulped and quickly went around to the passenger seat. "But...would they not.." "Talk?" Zane asked, laughing. "If I leave here and you tell them I saw you but didn't give you a lift, I bet they would talk too. Better to be kind." She swallowed, nodding. "You have a nice car." "Thank you," He replied, keeping his eyes on the road. She swallowed again, his scent hitting her hard. She took in a deep breath. "You smell really good. What perfume do you use?" He turned to her. "Do I?" His chuckle was a little satisfied, and he turned away. "It's just me." "You don't use a perfume or a cologne..." He shook his head, laughing. "That's incredible. You smell incredible." He flashed a small smile, then turned back to his driving. Silence fell between them for a while, before Zane suddenly turned to her. "You live alone in there?" She nodded. "Both parents are dead and...I have no close relatives." "That's sad," he said, turning to her. "Must have been hard, right?" "Well, I am still here." "I like that," he laughed, nodding. "It's such a boost to see someone so positive early in the morning. Might just want to pick you up everyday." Jasmine felt the slight blush rise up her cheeks and she sank into her seat. His comment had been completely innocent, but she felt it like more because hell, who wouldn't? He was the complete package of ultimate perfection. His body, the glimpse she had gotten through her window that still stuck in her mind, his scent. Hell, his scent. It messed with her mind in more ways than one. And he had only been around for a week. She wondered how it would be if he stayed longer. She swallowed, feeling a bit of relief and disappointment wash over her as they got to school. Relief that he wouldn't pick up on her obvious attraction, and disappointment that she had to leave so soon. "Thank you, professor." He smiled, then gave a slight nod as she let herself out of the car. He watched her as she made her way through the garage, his eyes thin. "Andrew?" Jasmine said as she got to the large hallways. He was standing in front of her locker, his eyes reddened with tears. "What's wrong?" She asked again, moving closer to him. She brought her hand to touch his cheek, her eyes filled with worry. Andrew lowered his head, his teeth biting down on his lower lip. "Jasmine..." "Yes?" Without another word, he pulled her into his embrace, his face burying in the crook of her neck. "My dad..." Her brows furrowed as she held him too, her hand rapping slightly on his back to comfort him. "Tell me. what happened?" "He was attacked by some wild animal on his hiking trip..we are not sure what it is, but it's really bad and..." She pulled away, then cupped his cheek in her hands, her thumbs moving to wipe the tears away. "I am so sorry, Andrew. Don't cry. I am sure he will be fine." He swallowed, sniffing as he met her eyes. Looking at his reddened eyes only made her more worried, knowing how much of a jovial person he was. "It's just that...besides him, I don't really have anyone." "What do you mean? I am here. You have been here for me too, so I am here for you. Okay, Andrew?" He nodded, then suddenly leaned forward and placed a small peck on her cheek. He raised his eyes to meet Zane who was standing by the end of the hallways, his face set in expressionless ice. He gave a small smile, then leaned away. "Thank you so much, Jasmine. You don't know how much this means to me." She wiped his tears away again, then slowly brought him back in to her embrace, her hand sifting through his hair as she tried to comfort him. "He will be fine, okay? I promise I will be here." "Even when I go to visit him?" "Anytime." He nodded, adjusting his head a little, his eyes meeting Zane's piercing stare again. Slowly, he brought his hand up to the small of her back, then brought her closer to him possessively, a small sinister smile spreading his lips. Zane let out a deep breath and without a word walked away, his fists clenched tightly. Andrew's smirk grew bigger and he turned, so he was properly hugging her now. His eyes closed, his body relaxing into her warmth, yet his mind far off.
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