Elona's POV
Tristan had carried me to the bathroom. The bathroom was white and so neat. He placed me on a little bench. We were both naked. I studied his body. That C tattoo that I had written about in my essay before we started to secretly date. He had told me to change it to a T in my essay, and then he went to go and change the whole essay. That was basically the first time he had admitted to having feelings for me. Those were our first memories. He crouched in front of the vanity cupboard, taking out the first aid kit. I wonder how bad the bite mark is. Will anyone be able to see it? Especially when I have to do my photoshoots?
I let out a heavy sigh as he came towards me, "What is it?" he asked as he moved behind me.
"I'm just thinking about my photoshoots. I don't know how bad that bite mark is," I said.
"Well, I'm sure your makeup artist will be able to cover it up... I'm sorry about that. You make me do crazy things," he said behind me.
"I don't blame you," I smiled. "I supposed that Maxime will be able to cover it up. I just hope that I won't be yelled at by her. Mr Luca gives me the creeps, I mean... I didn't expect that from him when I had to see him in his office. I felt... like I was making a mistake. If it was the wrong agency. But I will get there. I have to toughen up," I said.
"If I had my way, I wouldn't have you in that industry because of those creeps and I would always be around to keep a watchful eye on you. This is what you truly want, and you made that perfectly clear to me as much as I hate it. I will support you as much as this is difficult for me because of the industry. I will be a supportive boyfriend and be with you every step of the way. You are also correct in toughening up towards them. Do not let them touch you."
"I have no choice but to toughen up."
"This is going to sting," he said, and then I winced as he cleaned my bite mark.
I felt his breath on my skin as he blew over it, sending goosebumps all over my body, and then he trailed soft kisses along my shoulder. "I love you," I said over my shoulder.
"I love you more than anything. I can't even express it. I know I am an ass who is hot head, and call me whatever you want, but when I love, I love deeply. I will go to the ends of the earth for those who I love. You changed my life in ways that I never thought would happen. I thought that I would always be stuck in this place of grief and work myself to the bone. I have more lenient breaks from work ever since I really saw you for you. This beautiful young woman who is beautiful both on the inside and out." I felt him pull away further, sticking a band-aid over my bite mark, and then he appeared in my view, my gaze on his ass as he packed the first aid kit away and washed his hands.
"It still feels so surreal that we are together." I looked at him in awe. "Never in my wildest dreams have I thought we would ever be together. I would daydream about you. How you might be in bed and to be Mrs Crane," I smiled at the thought.
He turned around to face me, but his c*ck was hard again. I moved my gaze up, he was smirking. "How am I in bed? Does that meet your expectations?" he asked as he moved closer to me, holding out his hand to me.
Heat rose to my cheeks, "Well," I placed my hand in his and I stood up. "It's amazing. Better than what I thought it would be," I replied as he crouched in front of me. He had a paper towel in his hand and cleaned me up before standing up and discarding it in the trashcan. He faced me again, holding his hand out to me again.
"I like that. It tells me that I'm not out of touch." he continued to smirk as I placed my hand in his again, leading me out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. "Would you like room service?" he asked as he let go of my hand and I climbed onto the bed, I reached for the throw that was on the edge of the bed and covered myself with it.
"I'm not hungry, just exhausted from the event," I leaned back against the headboard.
Tristan sat beside me on the bed, he held his arm out, inviting me in. I moved closer to him as he took the throw and covered his lower half with it too. I rest my head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. His c*ck was now flaccid as he held me in his arms. I draped my arm over his abdomen.
"You know I won't do anything to destroy what we have, right?" he said.
"I know you won't and I trust you. After what you said to me earlier, Maggie can say anything to make me believe the worst of you," I replied.
"Please, do not listen to her. She is a snake and I don't even trust her with my life."
"Will you ever show anyone else that huge part of the house?" I asked.
"Soon I will. That is thanks to you. Once everyone else knows about us, I will start to clean that place and start over. I want us to make it ours. Cris will be out of the house when she goes to SNT next year. It will just be me. I want you to move in and enjoy what's mine. I want to be able to play the piano more often while you watch me. I want to make you breakfast in bed, worship your body as much as I can. I want to watch you sleep. I want that fresh start with you, future Mrs Crane," he rolled me over, and now I'm on my back with him on top of me. "I am glad that I have you." he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss on my lips.
His phone rang in the distance, "Maybe that is Cris." he pulled inches away, "Did you let her know that you will be away for the rest of the night?" I asked.
"No, let me answer that," he said as he climbed off me and walked out of the bedroom.
I didn't want to move the position that I was in, and I knew that we would go at it for the rest of the night. After a while, Tristan appeared. "I texted Cris that I would not be at home. She will be out with Spooky again tomorrow."
"So, you are okay with her hanging out with Spooky?" I asked as I sat up straight, grabbing the throw and covering myself. He had put his boxer briefs on that we left in the lounge. He still had his phone in his hand as he was busy typing.
"Yeah. I mean he likes her," he shrugged.
"So, it's okay for him to hang out with her, possibly date her, and it's not okay for us to be friends?"
He looked up from his phone. "At least I know his intentions are not with you but my daughter." he walked towards the bed and placed his phone on the bedside table and got on the bed again.
"So, we can be friends now?" I had to make sure because I didn't want him to jump down my throat again or be mean to Spooky.
"Yes, friends only," he held my gaze. I couldn't help but smile at that.
"Thank you. You are starting to soften up towards him and I like that you're trying," I said.
"It's not easy, but what can I do?" he shrugged. "I will be taking you home tomorrow morning to pack a little bag. I want to take you somewhere for the day seem that the camp has been moved to two weeks' time in order for your school to prepare more. I will check up on Cris tomorrow morning. I told her I had work to tend to for the rest of the night regarding the hacking. She doesn't seem to care, which is great that she isn't in her suspicious mode. Your father called me to keep an eye on you tomorrow and bring you home from Dakota agency. That lie has worked. But he has something to take care of this evening," he said, looking at nothing.
"What was it that he had to take care of this evening?" my brows furrowed.
"Maggie...she got sick, so he took her to the hospital."
"I wonder what could be wrong with her," I said, trying to figure it out.
"He said that she was vomiting. But I don't give a sh^t about her. My focus is you," he pulled me in and trailed kisses along my collarbone and I giggled as he tickled me.
This was the side that I liked more about him. These moments where he opens up and shows the soft-hearted Tristan Crane that lies buried beneath all that hard exterior. Knowing that I'm the reason for this just makes my heart swell. But one thing that I do not like is that Maggie is always around when she is clearly told to back off, and now she is with my dad, hanging out with him. I don't like that one bit either.