The first King and Queen

2072 Words

Demetri's POV Well, here I am again. I am sitting with a Werewolf Queen who saved my life. She is a clever one, and I like her sassy attitude. She does remind me a bit of the First Queen, but something about her is remarkable. I can not put my finger on it yet, but she is different. Oh, and the way she caught me by my neck! What bloody power is that? No werewolf is supposed to be that fast and see that fast! I am an old vampire, but I adjusted with the times. At first, I hated werewolves, then I loved them, and now I am in between as you get good ones and bad ones, as all the creatures on earth. So I will tell her my story about the first King and Queen of this kingdom. I am doing this only because I like her, and I owe her my life. I am glad I don't have to be a slave again, though. It d

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