1130 Words

BELLA That was close. Very close. I was frightened as hell. The thought of two Alphas spinning into a major duel would have been so disastrous at that point. I couldn't help but let my wolf take over. It went haywire as usual but it made its point. I was so imbalanced. Confused and burdened by almost everything that was happening. Damian got a hit from Christian but fortunately for me, Damian decided not to fight back. A fight for another day, I suppose. I still remember his words as he departed. “This is all because of you, Bella. I will be back for you.” Such comforting words, only if I knew if they were true. For all I know, he could be after something else and not just because he desires me. He claims the Goddess backs up our union. Who am I to go against the Goddess?

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