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Bella’s POV Just as the lead assassin was talking to his minion, I zipped into him to teach him a lesson and push him off the edge but he sidestepped before I could reach him, punching me to the ground which had me bleeding from my mouth. The werewolf's mocking laughter echoed through the night as he taunted me, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You think you can defeat me, weakling? You're nothing more than a lowly girl. Do you even know who I’ve fought with? The alpha, multiple generals, a f*****g army. And they’ve been no match for me. Now who do you think you are? Huh?” His challenge hung in the air, igniting a fire within me. I refused to let his words diminish my spirit. With a burst of determination, I launched myself at him, my speed enhanced by my supernatural abilities. B

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