1227 Words

Bella’s POV The guard’s screams were too loud for the night as he fell to the ground with a heavy thud and his armor clanging noisily about. More shouts echoed from above and below as I continued my desperate flight. Finally bursting onto the main level, I found it in disarray as guards scrambled to respond. One spotted me and raised the alarm but I was already charging, ramming my shoulder hard into his chestplate. We tumbled in a clanking pile, allowing me to s***h his neck with my stolen sword before rolling free. These men didn’t deserve to live. Anytime I remembered how they had maltreated me and not fed me for over a week, I would growl and feel my wolf about to burst out in rage. But I had to reign it in. This was not the time and the place to transform. My main aim was to

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