28. HUNT

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Night had finally halted their progress as they navigated the twists and turns of the forest, relying on their wolves’ directions. They had decided to camp in the wetlands, in the hope that the ground would be too soft for the humans to march through. Ewan pointed out that if an attack was planned the terrain would create enough of a problem to slow them down. Interestingly, Otto and Rufus hadn’t detected any humans when they tried to track the whereabouts of their enemy. Their absence made Conri nervous, but he kept his concerns to himself, not wanting to dampen the joyous mood of the pack. Each family, or group of friends, found a patch of area that had escaped the worst of the rain, and were able to set up a camp on the sturdier land. Winnifred distributed the rest of the milk, deciding to use it, before it spoilt. She saved a little milk for the eggs that she was hoping would be laid in the morning from the chicken that Jerrick and Andre had stolen from the farm. Jerrick had complained that it was a tragedy that his little June hadn’t tried her scrambled eggs yet, and she had received the hint loud and clear. The drink was enough to settle the hunger pangs a little, but even the pups were tired from the relentless walking, and the exhaustion made their stomachs a secondary concern. She considered distributing the walnuts that she had in the provisions, but they could be useful in the mountains where hunting would be scarce. She decided to save them for now, worse situations could always be round the corner. Iselda returned from a hunt with a fox hanging between Ewa’s jaws. She appeared suitably smug, since she had spotted it on the way to their camp. Shifting back, she began to skin her offering, so that it could be shared with the pack. “Let’s have a little competition. The wolf that brings back the most impressive kill will be named hunter of the night, and a surprise will be waiting for them later this evening.” Conri’s bribe made the majority of mated wolves venture into the woods, whilst others decided to search for dry wood to bring to the she-wolves who were trying to prepare some meals. Before long, little campfires sprung up as each group hoped there would be enough food to cook on the glowing spits. Otto returned first with five rabbits that he had to carry back in human form to ensure his wolf, Amos, didn’t damage them too badly. It was in a wolf’s nature to present his catch to his mate first, a declaration that he could provide for her. Holda smiled at his offering, and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips, still a little shy about showing her affection in public. Andre, the trained hunter, soon came into camp with a hog across his wolf’s back. Laying down in front of Melissa, he shrugged the beast off, before shifting. “Are you impressed, my Pecan?” He asked his mate, who nodded but wasn’t looking at the hog. Her eyes were fixed on her naked mate. Her affectionate title was given on account of her blissful scent. Although the couple had distanced themselves from the pack since they had met, the adoration between them was blatantly obvious. Melissa had never known what it was like to depend on other wolves. She often felt awkward and shy. Andre protected her by building their world of two, and to them it was heavenly. He wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her deeply, not afraid of the pack to see his desire for her as it rose between his legs. The hog was left in the capable hands of Winnifred, and not too long after, the young couple disappeared for a considerable amount of time. Jerrick appeared with a blanket bundle that was being carried in Ronell’s mouth. His wolf had complained that the offering wasn’t impressive enough, but Jerrick disagreed because he knew that these were his mate’s favourites, and that was all he cared about. Jenny opened her arms, and Ronell ran into them, enjoying his cuddles and the gentle scratches of her nails that she always moved in a perfect circular motion. “What do you have for me, Ronell?” His mate asked, and his wolf lay the bundle at her feet, while he continued to brush against her hips and thighs, scenting her to ward off other wolves. When Jenny opened the blanket, fifteen fishes were spread out at her feet, and Jenny felt the tears rush to her eyes. Seeing she was upset, Jerrick shifted back in a panic, wondering if she didn’t like them. He was certain she had said that she missed eating the fish from her childhood. “Are these the wrong ones? I can go and hunt something else that you would prefer!” Jerrick panicked, cursing himself for not hunting something bigger. Jenny pressed her lips against his, demanding entrance into his mouth with her tongue. Her hands were stroking his back, and although Jerrick was confused, he certainly wasn’t complaining. “These are perfect! I’m just amazed that you remembered what I said all that time ago, before June was born. I love you Jerrick.” She told him, and both the human and wolf were beaming with joy. Cheers and laughter filled the swamp while food was hissing as it sizzled on the spits, and the area was thick with different aromas from the plethora of meats. They were former slaves eating like kings, and not all the hunters had returned yet. Happiness was infections as they all knew they would sleep well with full bellies that night. Ewan strutted into camp next, his Beta wolf, Brodie, easily commanded the attention of the pack. He dropped his catch of ducks and geese on to the ground before turning back and repeating the process. By the time he had finished, there was a considerable pile to be plucked, and having no mate to parade his efforts to, he dedicated his find to his pack. His father smiled at him, but Ewan noticed the sadness in his eyes. Pepin missed his mate. He missed having his person to shower with his love, to show he could care for her, and provide for her needs. His son could empathise with that. There was a considerable gap in time before Conri returned to camp. Einar looked regal with his black fur and extraordinary size towering over his pack members who were sitting down, but bowed their heads in his presence. Dangling from his mouth was a small bag, not what the pack would have imagined the Alpha would bring to his beloved Luna. The wolf placed his forehead on her breast as she used her thumbs to massage the crown of his head, smoothing out his thick, soft fur. Conri shifted, pressing his naked body against Fidella’s, knowing the alpha in her would be jealous if others saw what belonged to her. He gave her the bag, and reached around her to grab their blanket. “DORMICE!” Fidella called out, perplexed. “Yes, the challenge was to find the most impressive prey, and not only does hunting dormice show considerable skill, you can take my word for that, but it is a delicacy among humans. What they enjoy, we will enjoy too.” He announced, making everyone cheer with glee. Fidella could see the logic in this argument, and laughed merrily. Passing the offering to Winnifred, who had prepared them often in the House of Heaton, she guided Conri to sit down, and snuggled on his lap. “Dormice!” Winnifred called out, “We are in for a treat!” She squealed. The leaders laughed at her excitement. “I’m sorry if you wanted something grander, my queen, but I got distracted on my hunt, and then only had a little time left. “Distracted with what, my love?” Fidella asked. “I’ll show you later. It will be for whoever wins the competition.” Satisfied, she kissed him, and enjoyed the comfort of being in his arms. “Has anyone seen Rufus? Ivy asked, feeling concerned. Before anyone could answer her question, the sound of something heavy being dragged diverted their attention. William, Rufus’ wolf, was pulling an elk along the floor. The entire pack gasped, there was enough meat to feed them all well into the winter, but the wolf paid no mind to the reactions of the pack members. His eyes were fixed on his mate. Clearly, this was William and Rufus’ offering to their mate, showing that they were devoted to her well-being, security and contentment. It was more than anyone could have expected. Usually big prey would be hunted in numbers, but Rufus’ determination to provide for Ivy was a declaration to everyone that she was his priority, and no risk was too great if it was to her benefit. It was a symbol of his commitment to her. He lay it in front of her, and looked up. Nervously, waiting for her reaction. Ivy wanted to tell him that as long as he always promised to return to her, that was all she would ever need, but the she-wolf hidden within her knew that he needed more than words. She threw her arms around William’s back and nuzzled his neck, unconcerned by the blood dripping off his muzzle. He ran behind the tree to shift, having stored his tunic there before his hunt. Watching him emerge, the blood smeared on his chest, Ivy couldn’t help but appreciate his rough, dangerous appearance. He made her feel safe, and that was something she had little experience of. Struggling to hide her arousal, she lightened her thigh muscles, but Rufus sniffed the air, causing his mouth to start salivating. He led her to the nearest camp fire, and buried his head in her neck where her unclaimed marking spot was located. Her scent both sated and exhilarated him in equal measure. They had been running since they found each other, and there hadn’t been a chance to solidify the bond in the way she deserved. Each camp was preparing the food for their group, having picked from the array of choices. Winnifred’s eyes were flickering with ideas of what to do with the elk. If she stored it correctly, it would be a lifeline in the mountains. Pepin had taken the majority of the birds that his son had provided, and was plucking them with Otto, Conri and Ewan. Only Winnie knew the deeper significance of his diligence in this task, and nostalgia of happier days seeped out of her memories. Fidella was skewering the door mice, Jenny was gutting the fish, little Anna was skinning her papa’s rabbits with impressive speed, and Holda was working on the fox with Iselda. Adal was butchering the hog with impressive skill, as it was too late in the evening to cook it whole. “Has Lydia said anything recently?” Jenny asked Winnifred, and the uplifted conversation abruptly morphed into an uncomfortable atmosphere. Briefly explaining the water incident, Winnifred shrugged it off, belittling the impact it had on her. The group around the fire could see her poorly disguised sadness, and little Anna, who knew enough about the cruelty of women, patted the elder lady’s knee. “She’s a little madam. She isn’t thankful for anything that the pack provides for her. Look at her now, she’s sitting there, but not helping her ‘friends’. It is as if she is above such work. All I could hear from the front of the line today was her moaning about how far she had to walk, like the rest of us were having a brilliant time, literally running for our lives.” Jenny huffed, sending Lydia a scathing glare from across the camp. Iselda, noticing that everything Jenny had said was true, simply rose up and stood behind Lydia. Eventually, the discomfort of being judged so explicitly was enough to make the she-wolf reluctantly pick up a rabbit to begin preparing it. The gamma decided to settle in that camp, getting to know the women who were so cruel a little better. She hoped that she could persuade them to recognise their true enemies. “I can speak to her if you want, Winnifred,” Fidella suggested, but a shake of the head was the only negative response she got. Holda had beads of sweat on her forehead. Removing her shawl, she declared how hot she was being so close to the fire, she wiped her brow while the other women agreed. Laughing at their joint discomfort, and removing layers. “Anna, dearest, aren’t you hot in all those layers, I can help you take some off if you like?” Her mother asked her. Anna could feel the sweat pooling at the dimples on her back, her knees were itchy with the trickle of salty drops, but it was an annoyance she was willing to bear. “No mama, I’m fine. I’m always cold. I’m too young for my wolf spirit to warm me yet.” Her ramblings only made her uneasiness more obvious. After placing the food on the fire, Winnifred led Anna around each little camp with the mission of collecting all the fur and feathers that could help them on the coming journey. It was also a good excuse to lead her away from the fire without causing a scene. Happily, Anna made suggestions about what they could do with the resources. Her knowledge of living as a fuller was useful for her pack from time to time. Ivy, who had stayed at the mini-camp, was listening to the conversations, and guiding Rufus on how to prepare the food, but she was concerned by Anna’s reaction more than the others and followed her movements through the camp. She too knew of the best tricks to keep herself hidden, even though she was much older than Otto’s teenage daughter, she recognised a shared shame. Leaning over, she took Holda’s hand in her own, offering her a supportive and understanding smile. “Anna is hiding something beneath all those layers. It’s a trick I would use in the mines to blend in. Her dress is too baggy and long, it must make her journey harder. Hopefully, she will soon be ready to tell you her secret. Prepare yourself for the day.” She gently warned her. Although Holda was taken aback by the suggestions, as a mother she had been worried for a long time about her daughter’s unusual habits. Otto was insistent it was caused by his daughter's formative years being with humans. Finally, to hear her concerns voiced by another, made her feel validated in her own suspicions. She looked over at her daughter, longing for the day she would confide in her again.
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