
1230 Words
Damien POV I paced outside the bathroom door. Luna was not responding, and it had been a few hours since she entered. Why was I so panicked? Luna was most likely resting, and although we were both drawn together, I was still a stranger to her. I should allow her time alone, but I felt something was wrong. I did not understand it, but it was as if I could sense how she was truly feeling, making my chest ache with pain. Did I imagine it? I had an odd feeling Luna was using the water not just to soothe her body, but to drown something out of her. She never responded, despite my hundredth attempt at knocking on the door. I had to go in. I needed to confirm she was okay visually. I pushed the door handle slowly, and the door creaked open. Luna was in the tub, but at my distance, I could see nothing but her head. I had no intention of invading her privacy. “Luna, Luna are you ok?” I asked as I walked closer, but remained at a respectable distance. Luna shifted her head a little as I realized she was sleeping, and then, with a small splash, she completely submerged herself under the water. I felt like she was in the pond again, but I reminded myself of what she had told me. Luna could hold her breath longer than the average person. I stood waiting for her to return to the surface, but with each passing minute, fear consumed me. A tight pain greeted my chest as if I was running low on oxygen, and I instantly knew what Luna was feeling was reflecting on me? I rushed to the tub and pulled her completely out of the water, and then slowly sat on the floor with her naked body in my arms. I focused on her eyes, trying to read what the hell she was thinking, and we both remained still for minutes in silence. My heart thumped hard against my chest. I had never felt such worry or panic before for anything or anyone. I knew she was hiding something from me now. I could feel it, and whatever it was, she was in constant unimaginable fear and pain from it. I finally broke eye contact as my eyes shifted over her gorgeous body. Luna remained still in my arms, not fighting to break free. The poor girl was most likely petrified as I held her naked body against mine and then scanned her over like a complete pervert. I could not get enough of her. Luna put every fae female to shame, and when I should wrap her in a towel, I could only think about how soft and perfect she would feel against my body. I gently placed Luna on my bath mat as I allowed my control to slip, hovering my body over her full exposure and gliding my hand against her skin. I needed to stop. I felt I was taking advantage of her, but Luna remained silent, staring into my eyes as if she allowed me to take what my body dangerously craved from her. My erection was now throbbing hard. The boxers I had on provided little coverage as my manhood pushed against the thin material. I should have been helping her. I needed to know what she was hiding, but my body was fighting to intensify our connection and tangle our bodies. I leaned down as I pushed my lips against hers with a fierce need to explore every inch of her mouth with my tongue. Luna matched my need as she moved her lips against mine and arched her back, grazing her body against my erection. I slid my hands over her body as I deepened the kiss, needing to feel every inch of her, and the further I explored, the closer I got to her most sensitive area. I wanted to feel the inside of her, but I had to stop. It took every fiber of my being to pull myself off of Luna. If I kept going, I would bury myself deep within her, claiming her body as mine. I grabbed the towel I had provided for her and gently lifted her so I could wrap the towel around her body. I then lifted her into my arms and carried her to my bed. It dawned on me that she was exhausted. I was as well. I would not bother her tonight about what she was hiding, but I would question her in the morning. I was going to help her. Luna was my responsibility now. Luna slid under my covers, remaining silent, as I headed over to my couch. I wanted her to feel safe and still wanted to respect her, so I thought it best to allow her the bed to herself. She whispered something, then stayed quiet. I didn't want to push her. I closed my eyes as I rested my head down on my couch, and I allowed my body to drift off to sleep. Hours passed as my room remained still, and then I was dragged from my sleep as I felt a powerful negative energy filling my surroundings. I opened my eyes, scanning my room, but I saw nothing that stood out. I focused on my bed where Luna was sleeping and froze as I noticed her body struggling against some invisible force. I immediately sprung up from my couch and ran over to her; the negative energy vanished before I could make contact. Luna’s eyes jolted open, teary and red. I turned on my light so I could fully see her. She appeared injured, but I was confused about how she got hurt. The light illuminated my room as a lump caught in my throat. My white bedsheets are now a perfect shade of crimson soaked in blood. Lots of blood. I ripped the sheets completely off of Luna, exposing several deep gashes as if some beast clawed her. Luna shifted a little as she coughed up blood. What the f**k did this to her? Luna’s eyes flashed to Amber as I watched the wounds against her skin slowly close and completely vanish, leaving just the sticky wet blood against her. I could feel her weakness from the blood loss as I pulled her against me, demanding she take my blood. Luna hesitated initially, but I squeezed her tighter against my body, finally feeling her fangs slip into my neck. The feeling of her feeding only intensified the strange sparks coursing through my body, and the moment she retracted, I missed it. “What was that?” I softly asked as I looked at her with worry. “I don’t know,” Luna admitted. “Has this happened before?” I asked. “Almost every night, three years running.. It’s as if my nightmares take a toll on me, but no matter how hard I try to remember, I can’t.” She responded. This was what she was hiding, and for three f*****g years, she endured this torture and pain constantly, with her life always holding on by a thin thread. I was furious. I could feel whatever that was in my room. That was not just some nightmare. Some entity accessed Luna at her weakest, and it wanted her life.
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