2024 Words

CHAPTER TWO“Can I come in?” a voice whispered from the doorway. The Marquis turned his head a little to see Hermione peeping in at him. “Yes, come in,” he replied. “Rowena will be annoyed if she finds me here, but I wanted to show you my new gown.” The Marquis had suffered a relapse a few days ago and Sir George had come from London again to prescribe complete quiet. “It’s only a fever,” he told Dr. Winsford, “and it is what might be expected. I am quite certain that there is nothing wrong with him that rest and quiet cannot cure.” The Marquis, however, felt extremely ill. His headache had returned and he was glad when the medications he took made him sleep deeply, unconscious of everything including his pain. When he was awake, he was aware that Rowena had again become the soft gen

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