13 - Mates

1713 Words

~~Logan's PoV~~ After I tell Sadie she's a werewolf, she just stares at me blankly, not blinking, and I start to get a bit worried. Was that too much? Maybe I should have eased into it a bit more. But I thought it might be better to just rip the band-aid right off and tell her the whole truth. It might be shocking at first but it was better to know. Gradually her blank look turns to disbelief. “Are you high?” she asks, a look of concern on her face. Again, I almost laugh. It's weird how often that happens when I'm with her. “No, Sadie, I'm definitely not high. I know it might be difficult to accept at first, but it's true. Your mom was a shifter, and you are too.” She shakes her head, definitely not believing me. “I can guarantee I have never turned into a wolf before.” “Of course n

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