27 - Run

1413 Words

~~Ava's PoV~~ Sadie’s suggestion takes me completely by surprise. It’s the middle of the night and she wants to go outside? But when she explains it’s to help my wolf, I feel Spark start to stir hopefully inside me. She wants to go out too. I’m still getting used to the feeling of having a completely different being inside me, not to mention one that’s completely pissed off at me. Spark had barely told me her name when she suddenly howled and told me that Laurel was our mate. Shocked isn’t a strong enough word to describe how I felt. As I told the Alpha afterwards, I’ve never been attracted to other girls. And even if I was, it definitely wouldn’t be Laurel. After all the time she’s spent kissing my brother? Gross. So when he told us it was all a mistake, I was very, very relieved,

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