3. Cold

1068 Words
CHAPTER THREE SCARLET’S POV When I stepped inside my mansion, my housemate and best friend, Lydia, was on the floor humming, her legs crossed in yoga style and her private, very hot instructor right beside her. How does she even manage to have full concentration when there was a whole pack of hotness right there with her?   “You cannot begin to imagine the day I’ve had today. I suspected he was-“   “Shh! Can’t you see I’m doing some Yoga?” Lydia cut me off, her eyes remaining shut.   I shrugged, making my way to my room upstairs. The moment I was inside, I closed the door and got rid of my glasses, reveling in the relief my eyes felt. Placing them on the nightstand, I took a second to just gaze at them. Those thick rimmed glasses had thrown the entire world off about who I really was or what I did when the night fell over the city.  I changed into a pair of shorts and an oversize white shirt before making my way downstairs to the kitchen to grab some ice cream.   “Nana,” I cooed sweetly, hugging the older woman from behind. She was chopping some lettuce on the kitchen counter. Nana had been working as our maid since…well, some things were just too painful to remember.   “You’ve come back from work,” she said and I could almost taste the smile on her tone.   “Yes. What are we having for dinner tonight?” I questioned, making my way to the fridge. I pick up the jar full of strawberry ice cream, placing it on the counter.   “Fried chicken, mushroom rice and lettuce salad,” she answered.   “Now I’m officially hungry,” I announced as I grabbed my favorite ceramic bowl with a spoon and a chocolate packet from the full stack.   “You really do have an appetite,” she mused, a smile on her face.   I scooped some ice cream, putting into in the bowl then unwrapped the chocolate, breaking it into small chunks and adding them to the ice cream.   “Are you sure you are not pregnant? You know you can tell me,” Nana teased me.   “You wish,” I smiled, grabbing my bowl and walking into the living room. Thankfully, Lydia was done with her yoga and the instructor was gone.   “How was meeting the new boss like?” Lydia questioned.   “Well, now I have to seduce him”   “What?” Her almond shaped green eyes were a bit widened, as she pushed back her curled blonde strands.   “See, the spoilt Valiente boy, thinks I’m not…bangable,” I said, scooping some ice cream from the bowl.   Lydia chuckled, throwing her head back in laughter,” Not bangable? Men line up wishing they had a chance with you and he thinks you are not bangable. He really needs to see what you can do because girl, he is going to j******f in his pants before he pronounces your name,”   “And you know I hate when jerks like him judge me for my outlook. So I’m going to play that game really….dirty, “I smirked.   “Wait, you are going to sleep with him? I thought you don’t do that,” she frowned.   “No but I’m going to make him yearn for it. I’ll see to it that I’m woman he desires but won’t have the opportunity to even…touch,” A smirk lingered on my lips. I had never played this game before but that jerk needed to be shown a woman like me was not someone to so openly despise like that.   “Oh God! Whenever you have tone accompanied that look, you always mean it,” she clasped her palms with mine,” But be careful. I’ve heard that Reed is not the type of man that just stops at a tease. If he does end up desiring for you, be damn well sure that he won’t stop coming after you until he has you under him. He is a man darling,” she says.   “Well, I know he is a man and you are forgetting the type of woman I’m. Look, Reed is somebody I can easily handle and also seem to forget how much I despise womanizers. They are nothing but home wreckers and heartbreakers. They are just…” I paused, taking a deep breath,” I got this Lydia. You don’t have to worry about me. Now let me have this ice cream before it gets cold,” that last part was admittedly lame.   “Um…you are forgetting ice cream is naturally cold,” she chuckled.   “Just like my heart,” I laughed, digging my spoon.   “Just like your heart. I’m going to grab a soda and we can get cozy enough to watch a movie,” she said as she walked to the kitchen.   Th rest of evening slipped by and it must have been after dinner when my phone rung, Elton’s name flashing across it. A frown instantly patched my face. Why the hell was he calling me?   “This better not be-“ he cut me off.   “I need you in thirty minutes. No, actually make that twenty five. We have a high class person willing to pay double for one of our finest strippers and I know you need the money,”   “How high class are we talking about?” Well, no judgment. I needed the money more than anything. I sure worked lots of high profiled jobs but with my life, money was barely present. I don’t even remember the last time, I had an actual shopping.   “I know I’m not supposed to tell you this because its an invasion of privacy but it’s a Valiente Sibling. You know, the younger one,”   Reed.   “Tell him to make it a triple and I’ll be there in fifteen,”   Now this was what killing two birds with one stone was.
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