Chapter 6

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ISADORA POV As we finally reached the outskirts of Aleoria, the neighboring town, our bodies were weary from the long run. Lisa and I knew we needed a moment of respite. We slowed our pace, our breaths still heavy, and took in the sight of the town with a mixture of relief and caution. "Let's find a place to rest for a while," Lisa suggested, her voice slightly breathless. "We can't keep running like this; besides, your condition demands it." I nodded in agreement, my heart grateful for the chance to catch our breath. As we walked into the town, the curious gaze of its inhabitants fell upon us. I could feel their eyes studying us, assessing the strangers who had ventured into their midst. We walked through the streets, searching for a place where we could find rest and refuge—a quiet corner where we could sit down and gather our thoughts. As we settled in a small inn, I turned to Lisa, curiosity tugging at my thoughts. "Lisa, can I ask you something? How did you end up living as a rogue in the woods? What's your story?" Lisa's gaze turned distant; her eyes were clouded with memories. "It's not a story I like to share often," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I was once part of a pack, a place that should have been my home. But things took a different turn." I listened intently, sensing the pain behind her words. "What happened?" I asked. "I was rejected by my own alpha, the one who was supposed to be my mate," Lisa said, her voice cracking with emotion. "He called me ugly and unworthy of being by his side. It shattered me." My heart ached as I tried to imagine the pain she must have felt. To be rejected by someone who should have cherished and protected her was a cruel fate. "I'm so sorry, Lisa," I said softly, reaching out to touch her hand. "No one deserves to be treated that way." Lisa offered me a small smile, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "It was a difficult time, but it led me to where I am now. Living as a rogue, I've learned to rely on myself and find strength in my own abilities." I admired Lisa's resilience and determination. Despite the hardships she had faced, she had carved out a life for herself, one where she could be independent and free. "I'm glad you were there to help me today," I said sincerely. "You've shown me kindness when I needed it the most, and I won't forget that." Lisa nodded, her expression softening. "We're in this together, Isadora. We'll find a way to navigate whatever challenges come your way." "From your mouth to the ears of the moon goddess, my dear. By the way, how did you meet your boyfriend, if you don't mind me asking?" Lisa's expression shifted, a mixture of hesitation and regret crossing her features. "Meeting him was... complicated," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "He wasn't always like this, you know." I listened intently, sensing that there was more to the story than met the eye. "What do you mean?" "We met when I was still part of my original pack; he used to be my brother's best friend in high school, until I got rejected," Lisa explained. "He was charming, confident, and seemed to genuinely care about me. At the time, I believed he was the one who could heal the wounds of the rejection I had suffered." I nodded, understanding the allure of finding someone who appeared to offer love and acceptance after experiencing heartbreak. "But something changed?" Lisa's gaze turned distant; her eyes were clouded with memories. "Over time, he became more possessive and controlling. He wanted me to rely on him completely, to the point where he started making decisions for me. It became suffocating." I could feel the weight of Lisa's emotions as she spoke—the pain of being trapped in a toxic relationship. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." Lisa offered me a small, appreciative smile. "Thank you, Isadora. It's in the past now, and I've learned to value my independence." Before I could respond, a commotion outside the inn caught our attention. The sound of approaching footsteps and voices grew louder, accompanied by the clanking of armor. Lisa and I exchanged a glance, both of us tensing as we realized that trouble might have found us yet again. Suddenly, the door to our room burst open, and a group of unfamiliar pack warriors dressed in matching red and black outfits stormed in, their expressions stern and unyielding, holding up a flag with the phrase "Blood Moon Pack" boldly written on it. "You two are coming with us," one of them declared, his tone leaving no room for argument. My heart raced as I exchanged a worried glance with Lisa. Without another word, we were led out of the inn and deeper into the town where the pack house was located, and a crowd had gathered to witness our predicament as the guards dragged us along. At the center of it all stood a large mansion, which I believed to be the Alpha's den. Dread weighed heavily in my chest as we were led deeper into the building. A tall and imposing figure stood still, his back turned towards us. "You may leave us," he commanded, his voice carrying a weight of authority that made the pack warriors retreat without a word as he turned his back around. Lisa and I were left standing alone before him, our hearts pounding in our chests. He regarded us with a mix of arrogance and possessiveness, his eyes narrowing as they settled on me. "Well, well, well, what brings the famous Luna of Aleoria's Fire Wolf Pack to my humble abode?" He mused, his voice dripping with superiority. The alpha's gaze wasn't just one of recognition; it was one of possession, and the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. "You know me?" I said, my voice trembling slightly. He chuckled, his laughter echoing through the chamber. "Ah, I know everything, especially the moves of my enemies." "Enemies?" My mind raced as I tried to remember if I had ever offended him before. But nothing came to mind. He was a total stranger to me, and yet he seemed to know me intimately and regard me as an enemy. "Enemies!!! I'm sorry, but I don't think I've ever crossed your path before," I said, my voice steady despite the unease and confusion that churned within me. I really couldn't connect the dots. He leaned closer, his eyes locking on mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. "Let's put it this way instead, lover boy. Eamon offered a hundred gold bars to bring you back to him alive—a true fortune indeed. Well, my dear, I'm the guy who's willing to offer double the gold bars to make sure that doesn't happen, so think again, my dear; I believe there's a brain somewhere in your head." My heart skipped a beat as realization hit me like a ton of bricks. He's one of Eamon's many enemies, those who'll spare nothing just to destroy him. "I am Alpha Jack, leader of the Blood Moon Pack," he declared, his voice resonating with a mix of authority and arrogance. "That child in your womb is an abomination; if you do as I say, I'll give you a life you can only dream about, but if you choose to refuse, I'll be your worst nightmare; the ball is in your court." My heart raced as Alpha Jack's words hung in the air. His presence exuded dominance and power, and the weight of his gaze made it clear that he held the upper hand in this encounter. The pieces were falling into place. Alpha Jack's interest in me wasn't just coincidental; it was strategic. My connection to Eamon—my pregnancy carrying his heir—became a potential tool for him to seize power. "Isadora, are you aware of the significance of the child you carry?" Alpha Jack inquired, his eyes never leaving mine. I nodded cautiously, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and anger at the way my life was being manipulated by these power struggles. "Eamon was voted as next in line to be Alpha King, but he can't be crowned without a successor; if my child is born, he'll be crowned Alpha King, having a significant impact on the future of our packs." Alpha Jack's lips curled into a chilling smile. "You're not only beautiful but intelligent too, indeed, and that abomination growing in your womb, heir to Eamon, is the one obstacle standing in my way of claiming the ultimate power." The weight of his words settled heavily on my shoulders. My unborn child was being used as a pawn in a dangerous game of dominance even before his birth. My protective instincts surged, and I fought to conceal my unease. "You see, Isadora," Alpha Jack continued, his voice dripping with malice, "with you and your child under my control, Eamon's reign would crumble. The allegiance of his pack would waver, and I would finally be able to take what is rightfully mine." I felt a surge of anger and defiance at his words. My child was not a means to an end, and I refused to let anyone use our lives for their own gain. "I won't be a pawn in your game," I declared, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me. "My child's future won't be dictated by anyone else's ambitions." Alpha Jack's amusement didn't waver. "Such determination, Isadora. I admire that. But let me be clear: your choices are limited. You can either comply with my terms and ensure the safety of your child, or you can face the consequences. You have until sunrise tomorrow, or I'll personally rip that misfortune of a baby from your womb with my claws." Alpha Jack let out a cold laughter that echoed off the chamber walls, a chilling sound as he continued. "How stupid of you to think you actually have a choice. Your compliance is non-negotiable." As he turned away, his pack warriors returned, and they grabbed myself and Lisa as they led us away into a dungeon to spend the night.
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