Chapter 53: Who do you say is the illegitimate child

1111 Words

"Grandma! You have gone too far!" The contract that I worked so hard to obtain! In an instant, it became someone else's gift! Lily Jones glared angrily at Elder Mrs. Jones! But she felt powerless! How can one person fight against a whole clan? She instinctively looked at Bob Smith. And found that he was smoking with a murderous look. She quickly grabbed him and shook her head slightly. Afraid that he couldn't control himself and kill someone in anger. "Haha! Thanks to Grandma for making it happen!" Without much effort, they obtained the contract. Alan Jones's face instantly filled with joy. Their family was about to prosper! The rest of the Jones family were very unwilling. But at this moment, they did not dare to argue with Elder Mrs. Jones! "Ami, thank Grandma for making

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