Chapter 32: Linda was kidnapped and ran away.

766 Words

"Why aren't you brave enough to shoot, officers?" Bob Smith smiled mischievously and pointed to his forehead, "Come on! Don't be cowardly! Shoot at me!" The five police officers swallowed their saliva and looked at each other, feeling like they had encountered a madman! "Who told you to pull out your guns? Do you stupid pigs want to kill me? Put away your guns quickly!" Bob Smith was sitting on top of the police captain. His face was pale with frustration. He also wanted Bob Smith to be shot by random bullets and killed. But the problem was, his throat was being choked by Bob Smith. He felt like his windpipe could be cut off at any moment. "Speak! What do you want from me?" Seeing the police officers putting away their guns, Bob Smith threw away his cigarette butt and asked the po

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