Chapter 3: She is My Woman

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"You b*stard, you can't take away the illegitimate child!" The servants of the Jones family tried to snatch the child. Bob Smith slapped them against the wall. "Linda, does Uncle take you to find your mother?" Bob Smith squatted down, restraining his killing intent. This thin and weak child looked so much like Lily Jones, as if they were carved from the same mold. But their eyes were very similar. Bob Smith originally wanted to recognize his daughter immediately. But the daughter's name was Linda Jones, not sharing the same surname, he was afraid of causing any misunderstanding, so he wanted to ask Lily Jones in person for the reasons and then recognize her. "Uncle, are you really taking me to find Mom?" Linda couldn't believe it, but seeing the bad guy being knocked down, and also wanting to see her mother so much, she still followed Bob Smith. "Uncle can take you to find your mother, but your mother doesn't even want to bring you when she gets married to someone else, that's so bad..." "Don't badmouth Mom, you're the bad uncle, Linda won't go with you. Mom is the best mom in the world, and no one is allowed to badmouth her." Linda shook off Bob Smith's big hand, glaring at him with anger. She was really angry, and then she burst into tears and ran up the stairs. Due to hunger and thirst. She fell on the stairs after running a few steps. She didn't expect Linda's reaction to be so intense. Bob Smith quickly picked up Linda, in panic: "Linda! I didn't mean to say something bad about your mom, I apologize." Even if a million armies stood before him. Even if Mount Brown collapsed on top of his head. The supreme Dragon King, who never frowned. Now, facing his angry daughter. He was at a loss, and he panicked. "Alright! As long as Uncle doesn't say anything bad about Mom! Linda won't be angry anymore! Uncle, is Linda going to die? I feel so bad. Can you take me to find Mom, please? I want to call her 'Mom' one more time before I die! I want to die in her arms." "Linda, you're not going to die! How could your dad not want you? Uncle will take you to buy food first. Don't fall asleep, please don't close your eyes." Bob Smith cried tears of blood and shouted with an almost pleading voice, holding Linda and rushing into KFC. Bob Smith ordered a lot of food, all of which could quickly replenish energy. Linda smelled the delicious food and instinctively grabbed the bubble tea in front of her and started drinking. Gradually, Linda regained some strength and started devouring the hamburger and chicken drumstick. "Linda, eat slowly. If it's not enough, Uncle will get you more. You can eat as much as you want!" "Thank you, Uncle. It's so delicious! It's the first time I've had such delicious food! Uncle, you should eat too. Linda will give you a chicken drumstick!" "Linda, you're so considerate. Uncle is not hungry, you eat more. From now on, whenever you want to eat, Uncle will take you to eat every day. If you don't want to eat this, Uncle will take you to taste all the delicious food in the world, okay?" Bob Smith felt a sense of guilt. KFC was easily accessible for most people, but for Linda, it was a luxury. Soon, Linda was full. Linda thought Bob Smith didn't notice and secretly hid a hamburger behind her back, while also discreetly observing him. "Linda, what are you doing..." Bob Smith looked at her with some confusion. "Uncle! Linda is not trying to take it. I want to give this hamburger to Mom. She hasn't eaten anything for a day and night, and the only candy she had was snatched and stepped on." Lily Jones hasn't eaten anything for a day and night? How is that possible? She's about to get married, shouldn't there be an abundance of delicacies for her to enjoy? How could there be nothing to eat? What is going on? "Linda! Uncle will take you to find Mom!" "Yes! I can finally see Mom! That's great!" ... On the top floor of the London Edition Grand Hotel, the banquet hall that can accommodate thousands of people has been decorated with elegant white . The patriarch of the Bunbury family is remarrying. This is a rare grand event in London City. Almost everyone who is influential and prominent has come. On the stage, the emcee is spouting all kinds of blessings and inviting the couple to the stage. Under the stage, guests filled the hall, it was noisy and bustling, with various clamors, like a marketplace. Lily Jones, in her elegant white dress, wearing fashionable wedding attire, had dim eyes under the white veil, exuding an air of immense despair. "Lily Jones, from today onwards, you are the eighth wife of mine, and also the most beautiful one. The London's number one beauty has fallen into my hands because you are a withered flower. So, your life after marriage will definitely not be easy. This old man has a very bad temper, you must be able to endure!" Jack Bunbury, the patriarch of the Bunbury family, sixty-nine years old this year, has maintained himself well, with only a few white hairs, dressed in a suit and polished shoes, he is today's groom. "Bunbury Patriarch, I accept my fate! I just hope that you will keep your promise and sign the three million contract afterwards." Lily Jones's tone was stiff, her face lifeless. "Lily Jones, why are you still calling me Bunbury Patriarch? You should call me husband, or lord." "Sorry, I forgot to tell you that even if you marry me, it's impossible to sign a three million contract." Jack Bunbury didn't hide it at all, his gaze was cold. "What... what do you mean..." Lily Jones's expression changed dramatically, extremely angry."What does it mean? Don't you understand? The eldest's granddaughter has a heart disease and is now on the brink of death. We must use your daughter's heart to save her. Even if we all want to spare your daughter, we cannot afford to offend the eldest. They will not spare you either. Your daughter's heart must be taken, it's that simple. Do I need to explain it thoroughly to you?" Lily Jones raised the red veil, her eyes red, anxiously looking towards the Jones family. "Grandmother! Didn't you promise me? Why won't you let go of my daughter now?" Lin's grandmother and the others turned a deaf ear, closing their eyes and remaining silent. "You're going back on your word, my Linda..." Lily Jones turned to escape from the scene. She had to find her daughter immediately. She was afraid that Linda had already been secretly taken away. "Hmph! You dare to try to escape from here? Come and wed me obediently!" Jack Bunbury reached out his hand. Lily Jones immediately thrust a dagger at him. Quick! Accurate! Ruthless! "A pathetic trick, trying to murder your husband?" Jack Bunbury sneered, the Jones family had already informed him that Lily Jones had a dagger on her, so he easily knocked it away, and then slapped Lily Jones across the face. "You damn woman! If you want to die, it's easy. But at least let me have my fun for two years before you die." Lily Jones couldn't break free, and could only smile bitterly. She felt like a pig! Why did she trust others so easily? "The auspicious time has come, the wedding officially begins." After the emcee showed off his eloquence with the microphone, he finally looked at Jack Bunbury, "Bunbury family's leader, do you want to marry Miss Lily Jones?" Jack Bunbury grinned, revealing a mouthful of disgustingly yellow teeth, "I do." "Miss Lily Jones, do you want to marry Mr. Jack Bunbury as your husband, no matter..." "Boom!" Suddenly, a thunderous explosion interrupted the emcee's words. The two red doors in the banquet hall exploded into pieces, causing a scare among everyone present. "She is my woman, and she doesn't want to!"
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