Chapter 6

2023 Words

CHAPTER SIX Patrolling the pawnshops was the most tedious part of a detective’s duties, Watters thought, as he walked his allocated area around the maritime quarter, searching the pawns for stolen items from his list. Watters’ first call was at Mrs Flannery’s, a small pawn off Dock Street itself. He knew Mrs Flannery as an honest woman, so he did not waste much time. “Have you seen the latest list, Mrs Flannery?” “I’ve only glanced at it, Sergeant Watters,” Mrs Flannery said. “I don’t welcome the criminal fraternity into my shop, and they know I’d report anything stolen.” “You’re a good woman, Mrs Flannery,” Watters lifted his hat as he left. Watters’ fourth call was at the Dundee Exchange Emporium, a much grander establishment with three polished brass balls hanging above the door a

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