Griffin Nylian ⚔

723 Words
"It is all over you are mask is fall off now I really know who you really are" Do you want to know the truth ? Well here it is, The truth about life is you walk around and fall in love. All the time with you're heart on your sleeve. Until one day you hide it away, because of all the pain it caused you and you stop loving easily. But that can't last, can it ? Eventually you fall again, but your heart is now under a lock with the key lost deep inside you. And your face it doesn't look like the same boy, You placed your mask long ago. So she walks away because you can't find the key to your heart and she tried but couldn't remove your mask. And life goes on. What are our lives measured by ? The things that motivate us ? The moments that seem effortless ? Or is it the people we love and who love us in return ? And if our lives are made up by the ones we rely on, what happens when we are alone ? Do we only exist in the minds of those around us ? I read a book once and it asked "If no one in the entire world cared about you, did you really exist at all?" At the time it sounded ridiculous but now it makes sense. In a twisted way am I defined by the company I keep ? Do I only exist in my relations to others ? I wonder if the things I want are possible for me, I wonder about a lot of things. I spend my life hiding behind my mask, so does that in some way mean that my public "face" is more real than I am ? How ironic I thought I was protecting myself from hurt but all I was really doing was erasing myself. I can see you staring. A quizzical look in those eyes. You're trying to figure me out aren't you? My mask is my masterpiece. An optical illusion if you will. Look at it from one angle and you'll see one thing, but a closer look will reveal something different. You think you've figured it out don't you? But you haven't. And I promise that's the beauty of my mask. My best defense. You were not the first to be fooled and I swear on my life you won't be the last. "Love takes off the masks we fear we cannot live without and we know we cannot live within." The Mask ♪ ♪ Well, I felt the burn Since the day you departed and talked from the tomb I'm still healing those wounds And it holds me down But made me a man that says Fuck all those rules I will be who I choose Its a lonely road With one grip on several psalms and one grip on the gun And it holds the rope That spins me in circles and dizzies my head Then says sleep when you're dead ♪ Were you ever here? Or just lost on the surface that at the first touch Just evades in the dust And it pulles me down And showed me my demons lined up in a sequence Forming a crowd It was so long With a piece of happy home that They stripped from the bone I did not react I settled my grievance by crafting a mask And I never looked back ♪ So tell me what you know I'm in deeper than I've ever been I will never grow While this anchor is chained to my feet ♪ Tell me what you know I'm in deeper than I've ever been I will never grow While this anchor is chained to my feet ♪ Tell me what you know I settled my grievance by crafting the mask And I never looked I won't ever grow I settled my grievance by crafting a mask And I never looked ♪ Tell me what you know I settled my grievance by crafting the mask And I never looked I won't ever grow I settled my grievance by crafting the mask And I never looked back. ♪ ♪ "Sometimes it's not the people who change, it's the mask that falls off." ?MahikaNiAyana
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