The Missing Piece.

1074 Words

The Missing Piece. Before they reached the end of the tunnel, the glow of the overhead lights could be seen in the distance. El dropped the blue energy that coursed through her palms. Before they reached the double doors marking the end of the tunnel, she could see Evan jogging towards her, a yellow emergency light in his hand. Trevor shouted to him, “Have you seen Bill? If I don’t find him soon, I will need to go back and search for him. If I show up without him, Shannon might kill me.” Evan answered while running, “A bunch of medical people came by. They set up shop one level up.” El asked once he got within range with a much softer, almost menacing voice, “What’s a matter, did you forget something?” “I had second thoughts, all right? It was wrong of me to desert you like that.” Be

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