283 Words
AUTHOR’S NOTEI visited Mexico first in 1967 and again in 1980 and found it a fascinating country, full of mystery. Its suffering under the Spaniards and the brutality they inflicted on the Mexican Indians did not quench a faith that still survives. Mexico is full of Gods and magics, demons and witches and a beauty that catches your heart. As I have described in this novel, marvellous treasures of the past have been found already but there are many more to be unearthed and reclaimed from the jungle. In 1930 golden treasure fashioned by the Mixtecs was taken from one tomb at Monte Albán. In another, the Ruler had been buried with objects of amber, coral, rock crystal and carved jaguar bones. Modem Mexicans have outwardly accepted Christianity but even Mexican Catholicism is a unique blend of two cultures and the native religions remain. Birds are sacrificed and the fields sprinkled with their blood to ensure a good crop. The Huichol Indians sacrifice an ox as part of their rain ceremonies. Pregnant women all over Mexico carry something made of iron under their belts to ward off the ill effects of an eclipse of the moon on their unborn children. Women who look like witches sell baskets of herbs near the Cathedral in Mexico City and I was offered one, which I was warned was L.S.D. I love Mexico, the one universal disadvantage is that everyone sooner or later seems to get Montezuma’s revenge, which is an upset tummy. But the sky is blue, the hills green, the flowers brilliant, the sun shines and it is so beautiful you hold your breath in case it is a mirage. Who could ask for anything nearer Heaven?
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