Not on my watch.

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(Tommy) When I walked outside and saw that Bull was carrying Maria over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, I found it both funny and irritating. She looked so tiny, it was adorable. "Why are you carrying my precious cargo like that?" Was all I could say to start a conversation. It was Bull's response that made me question what this girl did to my men. Normally, I could send them out, and they would be back within the hour with whatever or whomever I needed. But this girl, this girl, took a lot longer than I wanted. I told Bull to get some food for him and his men, so he put the girl down, but as soon as he did, she yelped in pain. My steps quickened as I grabbed her, picking her up bridal style. I carried her into the villa. I saw her eyes light up in amazement. She seemed to be surprised. I sat her on the sofa, pulling off her worn out shoe. I made a mental note to pick new ones up for her. "It appears you sprained it very severely. I won't know if it's broken till we get an x-ray done. May I ask how that happened?" I asked, hoping she would answer me truthfully. She rolled her eyes at me and I about lost it, the disobedience. "Why should you care? I don't know you, and you certainly don't know me," She snapped. "Roll your eyes at me one more time and I will put you over my knee," I said, letting my dominance take over. She let out a laugh, as if to test me. She babbled on about me not being her parents, but I was fighting myself from grabbing her, putting her over my knee and swatting that beautiful ass. Bull walked in, and I took that as a sign to leave. "Bull, take Maria to her room, help her get comfortable. I need to run a few errands." I walked out, watching Bull helping her up the stairs. The air outside my terrace felt amazing on my skin. Maria had me so worked up, that my palms were itching to slap her ass. I made a call to my family's doctor, explaining that I needed her to come to the villa tomorrow morning and take a look at Maria's ankle. "Mr. Castello, sir I am not a travel doctor. I cannot just rush over in the morning and do you a favor, and why are you calling me at one in the morning?" Dr. Parks asked. "Look Patricia, she's hurt and needs a doctor, and you are a doctor." I snapped at her. The only other time I would call her is if me or one of my guys got hurt. I heard her sigh on the other end of the phone. "FINE! I'll be there at nine in the morning. You owe me!" I chuckled. Of course, I would owe her. I ended the call and lit a cigarette, inhaling the smoke. Twenty minutes later, Bull came rushing out on the terrace. "Boss, we need to talk." "You better have a good reason for being down here and not at your post guarding her door," I said, lighting another cigarette. "Your girl just asked me who Massimo was," Bull said. The lighter slipped from my fingers, and the cigarette fell from my lips. "Why is she asking about that bas.tard?" I hissed. "I don't know boss, but something tells me his people were also looking for her. When we picked her up she was running from his goons," Bull said. Alexander Mossimo is the head of the Russian mafia. I remember my father telling me that they were ruthless killers, that they had made a pact with the DeLuca family, but we didn't know what that pact was. I'm curious now. What do they want with Maria? Whatever the answer is, I need to keep her safe. "Bull, post guards with Maria at all times. I don't want her left unsupervised." I ordered. "Yes boss." I retired to my room, pouring myself a glass of scotch. That was my ritual, it signified the end of another eventful day as the boss of the mafia. The smooth taste of the aged scotch provided a moment of solace and reflection amidst the chaos and power struggles that came with my position. Being the boss in the mafia had its perks – the respect, the influence, the luxury – but it also came with its own set of challenges and dangers. I took another sip and felt the warmth of the liquor spread through me. I couldn't help but ponder the choices I had made and the consequences they brought. In the world of the mafia, every decision carried weight, and every action had a ripple effect. Yet, at this moment, with the amber liquid in my hand, I allowed myself a brief respite from the burdens of my role, savoring the fleeting tranquility before the inevitable storm that would hit me the next day. I woke up at the crack of dawn, hitting my alarm before it even went off. I pulled myself out of my gigantic bed, threw off the silk-covered sheets and walked into my bathroom. I splashed my face with water to wash the sleep from my eyes. I shaved my face, then stepped into my walk in shower. I had many meetings set forth in my itinerary today, including the arrival of the doctor to look at Maria's ankle. I let the hot water run down my chiseled body. I had many scars sketched along my torso and back. One of the many perks of being in the mafia. You can't run with wolves without a few battle scars. I stepped out of the shower, wiping my body down before heading into my closet. I picked out the black suit, and pulled my hair up in a tight pony. I had to remind myself to get my undercut, cut again. I finished getting ready and headed downstairs for breakfast. Anthony, the chef, made eggs Benedict with hollandaise sauce and fruit. I sat at the head of the table, pouring myself a cup of steaming hot coffee. I liked mine black, it matched my personality. 'Two faces' walked in with the doctor following close behind at exactly nine o'clock. "Tommy, always a pleasure to see you, under these circumstances." Dr. Parks said. I smiled, she hated coming here, but I was more concerned about the lady following behind her. "Whose your friend?" I asked, sipping on my coffee. "This is my new nurse, Christine. She will be assisting me today. Christine, this is Mr. Castello." Christine was a hot little thing. Five foot six, red hair, green eyes. Her chest was full and had to be fake. I'd hit that, she looked like she would be fun in bed. She walked up and held her hand for me to shake. She had guts, I'll give her that. I stood up and walked past her. "This way, doc, Maria's room is upstairs." I said, leading the doc and her nurse.
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