It can't get much worse, can it?

1372 Words
(Maria) It took me a minute to compose myself after Mr. Howard dropped the bomb on my father, taking all the money from my account. Breathe Maria, just breathe... "How do you plan on fixing this, Mr. Howard?" I asked, my voice shaky. Mr. Howard just sat there, his eyes looking down at his desk. My fists balled up in my lap, tears formed in my eyes. I did my best to fight them from falling. I stood up, grabbed my bag and stormed out of his office. I had so many emotions I was fighting: anger, betrayal, panic, and most of all, I felt hurt. Leaving the bank, I finally let the tears fall. I spotted a bench and sat down, burying my head in my hands, and just sobbed. My phone started buzzing in my pocket. I quickly wiped my face, and answered. "Hel...hello?" I said, hiccuping. "Maria, its Elaine. Can you cover a shift tonight? Jenny came down with the flu." "Um, ya I can cover. I'll come over after class." I hung up the phone after that. Sitting here crying wouldn't help me, I would just deal with this problem later. I walked to school, made it to class before the final bell and sat through the lecture. I tried to stay focused, but my phone vibrated, making it hard to concentrate. I quickly snuck a peek to see who was calling, go figure it was my father. I declined the call and continued to work on my thesis paper. I sat and ate lunch with a few classmates, who were all discussing their outfits for graduation. I wasn't particularly worried about what I was going to wear. I was class president, it would be my job to deliver the last speech alongside the valedictorian. My last class decided we would watch a movie about the great leaders of the nations rather than read about them. I was OK with that, it would give me more time to think about what I would say in my speech. When the bell finally rang, everyone got up and began exiting the classroom. I, too, followed suite. I got maybe five feet off the campus grounds when three men, wearing what looked like expensive suits came up to me. "You Maria Cecil?" The middle man called out. He was tall, muscular, from what I could tell, and had a scar that ran from his forehead down to his chin. His greasy brown hair was slicked back in a tight ponytail. He sent shivers down my spine. "It depends on who's asking?" I replied, crossing my hands over my chest. "We are here to escort you to your new home." The middle man said. "Funny, but no, thanks. I have a home. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go to work," I said, walking past them. I took three steps before the man grabbed me by the arm and yanked me back towards him. "Hey asshole! Let me go!" I snapped at him. "Listen, Miss Cecil, your father owes a great amount of money to Mr. Castello. His debt was cleared when he sold you, his only daughter, to the boss. So you are now the property of Mr. Castello, do you understand?" The middle man said. Again with my father. My blood was now boiling, now he's trying to use me as his escape goat? F.uck that, I will not let him use me. "Get your fu.cking hands off of me! I am no ones property. I cannot be bought or sold like some used item. I have nothing to do with my father, so tell your boss to get fu.cked!" I screamed out. I pulled out the pepper spray I had in my bag and sprayed it in their faces and took off running. I ran the three blocks until I made it to the diner. Elaine was in her office when I ran to the back. I looked at her with fear in my eyes. "Maria, is everything OK dear? Why are you out of breath?" Elaine asked, pulling me into a hug. "Elaine, my father has done something so horrible that it now involves me!" (Tommy) Robert took the bait all right, there he was sitting at the slot machine, smiling like a thief. From what I can tell, he had already blown over half of the money he stole from his daughter. I wanted to trust he would do right by his own kid, but I guess money talks more to him. Greedy bastard. "Don, we just got word that the girl had just left the bank in tears." My heart skipped a beat. She left in tears? "S'cuse me boss, but, Robert Cecil has just blown everything he had left on craps, and is requesting an audience with you." I looked over to where 'Two-face' was standing. I kept my composure, but now I was furious. Instead of repaying his debt, he blew the money and is probably wanting more. What a sad excuse for a man. "Surgio, bring Mr. Cecil to the VIP area, bust him up a little, if you know what I mean. Two-faces, find out exactly how much money he took from his daughter." I said. was about to get real, and I was going to have fun with it. I waited for ten minutes. I let Surgio do his thing with Robert. I was about to head in when Two-Faces walked up. "Talk to me two-faces," I said. Jimmy 'Two-Faces' leaned in and whispered in my ear, "He cleaned the account. Everything she saved from her jobs to the insurance money." I barged into the VIP room, where Robert was waiting. He was bloodied, bruised, and clearly drunk. As soon as he saw me, he came crawling at my feet. "Mr. Castello, sir, please. I know I owe you money, and I promise I'll get it back. I just need more time. If I can get another loan from you, I swear I'll win your money back." Robert said, begging at my feet. Dispicable! "Robert, don't you think you're in enough debt? I don't think I can help you this time. But my men here can break every bone in your body, to help pay off some of that debt... What do you think, boys? Care to break something tonight?" I said, turning to face my men. "Wait...wait... please, I have a family-" Robert began, but I stopped him, "You HAD a family! Your wife passed away, if I'm not mistaken, and your daughter, I believe, no longer considers you family. I mean, you did just empty her account and blew it all here... at my casino." Robert's eyes got big, as if an idea had popped into his head. "My daughter, I'll sell you my daughter, to pay off my debt. She's yours, you can have the little bi.tch!" "You have deal there, Robert. Just sign here and all is forgotten." I said, pointing at the papers. Robert crawled over to th coffee table and, without looking, signed his name on the paper. Jimmy collected the papers and stood back next to me. "Oh and Mr. Cecil, before I collect your daughter, I just wanted you to know that your deceased wife was the heiress to the largest hotel chain there is. Her father, Frank DeLuca, happened to be the biggest mob boss, back in Italy. And since the death of your wife, your daughter is now the Heiress to it all." I looked at Robert, his mouth had completely fallen open. He was regretting his decision right about now. "Here is what you're going to do, Robert. You are going to go home, pack your clothes, and you are going to leave. I will give you this check for one million dollars, you will leave and never come back. You will not contact your daughter or try and reach out, and if you do, Jimmy here will put a bullet between your eyes. Copeash." I warned him. "Jimmy, get him out of here. Bull, send three guys to go pick up my girl. It's time she started learning the ropes." I said, lighting a cigarette.
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