Tommy 'BlackJack' Castello

1140 Words
Carol Cecil was the daughter of Frank DeLuca, one of the biggest mob bosses and drug cartels in existence. She wanted no part of her family's business, so she ran from home and married that loser from her high school, Robert Cecil. He always had a gambling and drug addiction. Carol hoped that when she found herself pregnant with their first and only child, that he would change his ways. That didn't happen to her. She raised their daughter up until she got sick. That was when she came to me. I was only twenty at the time, when she found out she was terminally ill. She needed assurance that her daughter would be well taken care of. Carol's father left her the family business when he passed away, including the deeds and titles. "Carol, fancy meeting you here." I said, taking her hand and placing a kiss on it. "Tommy, I need your help. I can't trust Robert, and I know if I leave this in your hands you will be able to help my daughter when the time comes. I will sign over all documents, deeds, and titles to you for safe keeping. I need half a million put into a life insurance policy and I want my daughter named the beneficiary, should something happen to me, that is." I remember that day like it was yesterday. It's been ten years since then. Every once in a while, I'll check in on her daughter, while keeping my distance. I watched her grow up into a fine woman. Her long dark chocolate hair, and her hazel eyes had me mesmerized. I don't know how she did it, keeping up with all those jobs and putting herself through school, all while caring for her mother and dead beat father. I took over my father's state affairs when I left Italy. I opened my first chain of casinos, hotels, and strip clubs. I made my money and kept my people in line. I had women lined up to just jump into bed with me. None that I wanted to make official, since they either wanted to spend all my money or were complete nags. I had my driver take me to my casino. I wanted to see how business was doing, but first I told him to go to the diner. I needed to eat something and maybe have the courage to talk to her for the first time. I sat in the corner booth. It was close to closing. She let me know that my food would have to be a 'to go' order, which I didn't have a problem with. She walked away to bring me my water when a message went off on my phone. Robert Cecil was at my casino yet again. I paid for my food and left without looking back. When I got to the casino, there sitting at the slot machine was Robert Cecil. It angered me how he treated his family. I headed up to my office to finish the paperwork that needed to be done. Jimmy, my second in command, barges into my office a few hours later. "What's the matter, two faces?" Jimmy's nickname is 'Two faces' for a reason. He puts on an innocent face when needed, but when it comes down to business, he's got a different facade. "You may want to check the camera, Jack, it's not looking good," Jimmy says. Ya that's right, he called me Jack. It's short for Black-Jack. It seems fitting since I own all these casinos, so the nickname stuck. I checked the camera's, and zoomed in on Robert taking a phone call. From just reading his lips I see, he f*cked up. "Hey Don, Carol has passed away." Tony 'The Bull' walks in, hanging up the phone. Damnit... "Get Rich Berg on the phone. Set up a meeting in the morning. Seems my cards are about to be played." I said, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it. I take a long inhale trying to calm my nerves. I blame Robert, he had one job; support and care for his family. Even that was too good for him. "Boys, be ready. I think we are going to be having a talk with Mr. Cecil very soon." I said, putting out my smoke. The next morning, I'm sitting in Rich's office, going over the autopsy on Carol. They're ruling it an overdose, but I knew better than that. Carol wasn't the type to do drugs. Hell, her father was one of the biggest drug cartels there was, that was until she signed it over to me. Now I run it. "Tell me Mr. Castello, what do you want to do? Robert is already five hundred thousand in debt with your casino. And he's lost his wife and doesn't seem all that interested, so..." Rich says. "Simple, you will go over these papers as planned with Maria. And if I'm correct, Robert will find out and most likely gamble the money away. That's where I come in. I plan to sweep her off her feet and give her a life she deserves." I told him. We shake hands and as I'm walking out, Maria is walking in. Damn, even with her puffy red eyes, she's still beautiful as ever. My heart aches for her, and I know that life is about to get harder for her before it gets better. I just hope she doesn't look at me like I'm the bad guy. Who am I kidding? I'm about to do something that will make her hate me, or worse, plot to kill me. Either way, I won't hold her hostage, but I won't let her run either. She has to know that she is an heiress to a mafia clan. I got in my car, and had the driver take me to the mall. I need to start buying the items to fill her new home. Pulling up to the strip mall, I headed inside, stopping at all the boutiques, buying lingerie, dresses, shoes, ect. I hand my black card to all the associates advising them that I want nothing but the best. By the time I'm ready to leave, I have to send for a second car because I won't fit with all the items I've bought. I received a call from 'Two faces' notifying me that Maria had just signed all the paperwork and was leaving Mr. Berg's office. Now the real fun begins. I grab my phone and dial a number and wait for it to ring. The line finally picks up, and I start barking orders. "Notify Mr. Cecil about the life insurance policy. Let's see if he really cares about his daughter or if it's just money that he wants." I hung up the phone after that, and waited.
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