Prologue: The Curse

404 Words
The night was dark and stormy, the wind howling through the trees. In the forest, a pack of wolves hunted, their senses honed to the prey they stalked. Among them was a young woman named Helena, who had joined the pack after her village was attacked by raiders. She had always been fascinated by the wild and the freedom it represented, but she had never expected to become a part of it like this. As the pack moved through the forest, they came upon a clearing, where a strange ritual was taking place. A group of witches stood in a circle, chanting in a language that Helena didn't understand. In the center of the circle was a man, bound and helpless, who was clearly the target of the witches' magic. As the pack watched, the man began to writhe and twist, his body contorting in pain. Suddenly, he let out a terrible howl, and Helena felt a strange sensation wash over her. It was as if a force had entered her body, changing her on a fundamental level. She felt an overwhelming urge to run, to hunt, to join her fellow wolves in the hunt. And that's when it happened. Helena's body began to shift, bones cracking and muscles stretching as she transformed into a creature that was neither human nor wolf, but something in between. She let out a wild howl, and the other wolves joined in, their own transformations echoing hers. The witches looked on in horror as the wolves descended upon the man in the center of the circle, tearing him limb from limb. And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the transformation was over. The wolves were back to their human forms, panting and sweating, their eyes wide with shock. Helena realized with horror what had happened. The witches had cursed them, turning them into werewolves. They were no longer entirely human, but neither were they fully wolves. They were something in between, a new breed of creature that would forever be caught between two worlds. As they looked around at each other, Helena could see the fear in their eyes. They had no idea what would happen next, or how they would be able to control their new, primal nature. But one thing was clear - they were cursed. And they would have to find a way to live with that curse for the rest of their lives.
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