The Fourth Stage

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“Is it really one of your concerns?” Andrei briefly said. “Of course, I am worried what happened on your trip.” “Correction, just curious. ‘Worried’ is a big word, father. You can’t just use it when you don’t mean it.” “But I do—” He was cut when Andrei chuckles. “Stop lying. It’s not fun and it just make me even more pissed to you guys. To your question, I just visited some cool stuff in Lalonde. I went with Belle’s parents and my friends. That’s all, I just hope you don’t make me list everything we did.”  “But, I want to know everything you did.” Andrei glared at his father, “Stop joking around me, everything I did was just tasting foods there, enjoying my life before it fell down, and just having bonding with my friends.” “Before it fell down? What we did to you that you are like that? You are doing a big act right now and it’s not funny, Andrei.” His son just snickered. “You don’t know because you don’t care.”  “How can I know if you don’t say it?” Andrei went silent a bit, the king smirked, thinking he won. But those silence, Andrei was trying to let it together and not burst in the middle of throne room. “This is not going to make me better, dad. I know you are just feeding your ego because it was damaged a lot these days.” He shook his head firmly, “You didn’t won this, I am not just placing my ace in this conversation.”  He decided to turn around him and left the throne room. His father is just smirking as he left the throne room. “I know I still have the ability to control his emotions.”  Andrei dresses up and went to his uncle’s mansion. “I am going home before night falls.” His personal coachman nods as it took it’s leave. Andrei went in the mansion, holding all his tears. Before going in, he took a deep breath and calmed himself. He knocked on the door.  Phoebe opens it, “Oh, Andrei! Are you coming back and stay here for a long time again?” She looks at the poor prince, his eyes were still obviously swollen. “I guess you cried a lot back at the castle.”  The prince shook his head to her question, “Just paying a visit and going away from all of the negativities.” They went in the mansion, “Are you talking about your family?”  “Yeah, it’s better here.” They sat on the couch in the lounge room. “You didn’t made your relationship better with your parents, huh. Wait… How about your mom? I thought she is the one who loves you the most?”  “Apparently, she doesn’t like you. I mean, okay, let her hate you all she wants. But, saying it out loud and telling me to stop being friends with you is just a dumb move. I tried to explain and I thought it will change her mind. But she is just so petty and thought my attitude right now was because of you.”  “I mean, technically I have the partial blame, along with Belle. Since we are the ones who made you hate your fat—” Andrei looks at her, “No. None of you and Belle are in the fault. If my father never was like this, he wouldn’t deserve hate from his son. Maybe this was even Andres’ reason why he is so cranky and indifferent.”  “But, it’s still our fault pushing you to the truth. Even your mother hates my guts.” Andrei suddenly hugged her. “No. You, Uncle Bermin, and Belle are the only true family I have. You did nothing wrong, you did something right.” Phoebe awkwardly hugged him back.  Andrei releases as if nothing happened, “That’s why I am here, from now on, I am spending all of my weekends here. I just don’t want to see their faces. At least I am still abiding to stay in the castle, but not in the daytime.” “Weekends are boring here.” Andrei chuckles, “It’s fine, it’s more boring in the castle. Besides, I can help you with your first year things. And, we can even visit Belle sometimes.”  The archduke walked into the room, “Oh, Andrei, you paid a visit.” Bermin smiles as he approached them. “Yeah, I just want a break from dad and mom.” The adult was confused, “What happened again, Andrei?”  “Well, mom was talking trash to Phoebe, she did nothing wrong and she is whining about it. And my dad is being a scumbag as he always do.” The archduke sits beside him. “Hey, your words young man, be careful. And, you can always go here, you are always welcome. I know I have said that a lot of times since you were born, but you are, and remember that. But, I can’t control the times you can go here. Your father is your father, and additionally, he is the king, so he can do anything to stop you from doing your things.”  “That’s all he can do, keep controlling me? Over and over again? Honestly, uncle, this is already getting me fed up. It’s the everyday scenario. That doesn’t mean that he is the king and my father, he can control me.” “But he can and if he can, he would and if he would do it, it is already his pattern. Whenever he can do something to benefit him, he would do it anyway. That’s just the circle of life, in your father’s perspective.” Bermin wraps his arms on his nephew and ruffles his hair.  “But, you are the father some people know about. And, strangely, few people know his existence.” Phoebe commented, Bermin looks at her. “It’s pretty complicated to explain, Phoebe. But his unknown existence for others is pretty easy to reason out. Since he is the second probable heir, the king decided to make him a bit hidden until 18.” “Why will it took a long time to finally present him in the kingdom?” Bermin shrugged, “Dougal has his own plan. About making me as his father, the king decides to let me adopt him, well not technically. But he granted me the rights to him like a father, Andrei already knows that. But, he is still calling me uncle.” The archduke snickered.  Phoebe was a bit confused and this is a big reveal. “So, Andrei has two fathers?” She asked as she can’t absorb any of these. “In Dougal’s law and decision, yes. But I think if he is once 18, the king may change something. I don’t know, my brother is a bit unpredictable, hence what he is doing in the kingdom.”  She was frozen and speechless. She can’t say anything. It was a big revelation for her, but it seems like a normal thing for both of the men in front of her. She looks at them as theories and questions fill up her mind again. It was just a simple talk, yet the contents have a big impact to her. She was suspecting something was off.  “I was happy too. Since I am infertile and Naia and I can’t make any off-springs, so Andrei being my son-like nephew made both of us happier.” The young lady remembered everything. Her uncle was infertile and because of that, she was taken care before by the couple when her parents are out. Andrei’s situation was pretty much like hers before.  “O-ohh…” The only sound came from her mouth. The archduke snickered, “I am sorry if I said a lot, maybe I should have cut out the others, it maybe a bit too many to absorb for you, Phoebe.”  She shook her head, “It’s fine, at least I won’t think about much and questioning everything about it. Nonetheless, now I know why Andrei was not really known and some of his family problems.” “The thing I liked the most in Andrei is his positivity. I am not forcing you, anyway, Andrei. I know it hurts to know your father was the villain of your little fairytale and even your kingdom. But I am sure you can absorb it all and know what you need to do sooner or later. These things take time, and take your time as well.”  The archduke comforted the poor prince. Phoebe pitied Andrei, he is going through a lot, and it is just about the problem in Hawthorne. How about if he encounters more truth that is even worst than this?  The main door of the mansion opens. Phoebe was curious enough to check who it is. Her eyes widen as she came back to them. “I don’t know why, but Andres is here.”  “Thank you for introducing my grand entrance.” He said sarcastically as he approached them. “Good morning, uncle.” He greeted as Andrei glares at him. “Do you need anything, Andres?” Bermin asked with a smile.  “Mom is pushing me to fetch Andrei here, but I know he won’t come with me. So I am just gonna be company him for the rest of the day.” Andrei bursts, “What!? Are you joking?”   “Did you remember a time I joke about something? No? That’s right. Even though it’s against my will and mom should have done this to herself. She’s the middleman of this family anyway, not me. But we came into a great deal so this would be fairly worth it, I supposed.” “If you aren’t visiting because you like it then go somewhere else, I don’t need any non-genuine person here.” Both of the brother’s went into a glare contest Phoebe never saw before. It’s really unusual and uncomfortable to her. “Can you just be nice to each other a little while?”  “Can it be not genuinely nice? So I could even strike back to this person right here.” The archduke meddled with the situation. “Stop right there before you two went to a fight. I have never seen such one before, and I am scared of what will happen.”  Both of them all raised their white flags as Andres sat on the couch in front of Andrei. A servant called the archduke, he looked at the three, “Don’t misbehave. Phoebe, if something happened, please approach me immediately, I’ll be just in my mansion office.” She nods as the archduke left the room. Silence conquered the room as Andrei breaks it. “Are you sure you are gonna stay with us?” Andres firmly nods, “Besides, it has a reward after this, so everything would be worth it.”  “As I said, I don’t want any non-genuine people here, so I suggest you to go and find somewhere else to stay at least to frame yourself up that you babysat your little unwanted brother.” Andrei insisted as he crossed his arms, looking at his brother.  “I am genuine.” “You aren’t—” “I am, I am genuine about this.” Andrei raised his eyebrow, “You are genuine about the reward.” His big brother snickered. “I knew it, you would never do something that would not benefit you whatsoever.” “That’s the golden rule, Andrei. You need something in return, you don’t just be kind all the time. I mean, kindness can be taken for granted, and it can harm you. I am not demanding, but it seems so, nothing wrong with it.”  “It’s the typical you anyway.” “People needs to be like that, Andrei. We have the wrong idea of kindness. Everything needs to be give and take. You can’t be just fixing someone’s house without money. You need something to make your worth. You need something for yourself.”  “The big brother sermon all over again.” Andrei rolled his eyes. “And also, about your new attitude. You seemed knew something that shattered your world. Both Andrei and Phoebe suspiciously look at him. “Andrei doesn’t have a diary, so I can’t sneak up on his thoughts, so don’t look at me like that. And, it’s just a hunch, and your reaction proves it that it’s the truth.”  “You’re still suspicious. How did you even know that.” Andres snickered, “as they all say, ‘experience is the best teacher.’”
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