1534 Words

"So, we are going to war?" Carter asked. "What they did is an act of war. If we don't retaliate, then it makes us look weak. Anyone will think that they can walk in here and rape and stab our women whenever the f**k they feel like it. And that's not happening. Not on my watch." I declare. "We need to find out who the mole is." Cade says. "Well, that's the question isn't it. Who the hell would have let those assholes in here. Who hates Tessa that much?" I asked. "Only one person I can think of." Carter says, "Yeah. Same person comes to my mind." Cade says. And I had to think about it for a minute. "You don't mean Rachel. She's not capable of something like this. She's upset about us not getting married. But she wouldn't go to these lengths." I insist. "Are you sure? You need to be 10

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