
Sins of a Succubus

another world

Seraphina has been seducing men out of their souls for ages but a tall, dark, and handsome (West) gives Seraphina a run for her money. He's the one she can't seduce and now she's in trouble. Can Seraphina convince West to help her or has her luck run out? Read this slow burn to find out.

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When being a Succubus sucks
Seraphina batted her thick eyelashes, slowly closing her smoky eyes as she devoured the delicious depraved soul of the man beneath her. She never felt an ounce of sympathy for these men. She knew what they would do to her or any other woman given the chance. So she never gave them that chance. She lured them in with her honey-brown eyes and soft touches. It worked like a charm because it was a charm or a curse, depending on how you looked at it. Seraphina was a Succubus. Almost unheard of except in legends of course. For the most part, Seraphina preyed on vile men who sought to prey on the vulnerable. These men are hardly missed. That's what happens when a POS man goes missing. Nothing, usually, until an important POS man goes missing and people start wondering about all the other POS men that have gone missing in an area. *loud knocking at the door* "This is Officer Westfield. Open the door or it will be opened for you!" Seraphina huffed but obliged by cracking the door open and peeking her face out of the crack. Seraphina let her eyes linger on the broad shoulders of the man at her door. "To whom do I owe the pleasure?" "Officer Westfield, ma'am. I'm looking for Lord Felix. It's rumored he frequents ladies' quarters that aren't his wife's and he's been reported missing." "Oh, what horrible news!" Seraphin feigned surprise but Officer Westfield's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Do you mind if I have a look around?" Asked Westfield inching closer to the cracked door. "I do actually. I just had a meeting with a client and I'm quite indecent at the moment." Seraphina blushed and it was a real blush. She wasn't embarrassed but she wasn't thrilled that an officer came knocking on her door asking to comb through her room when she had a very real dead body in her bed. "Let me put on something a little more decent and we can talk in the kitchen. It's down the hall second left. I just need a few minutes." "Hmm okay, but after you tell me more about yourself. I'm searching your room." "Of course, of course, Officer." As soon as she saw Westfield round the corner Seraphina began feverishly ringing the service bell so her servant boy would gather the troops and do something with this body. She tidied her hair in front of her mirror and slipped on a black silk dress with a dangerously low-cut neckline to showcase her luscious curves. The dress hugged her in all the right ways. The mid-thigh slit on the left showed her toned and tanned legs."Showtime," she said to herself before stepping into her favorite black heels. Seraphina made her way to the kitchen. There Officer Westfield chatted with the small, round woman named Gertrude, who worked in the kitchen of the inn. Gertie turned to see Seraphina and winked. Her eyes danced and seemed to say, "he's a looker." Gertie's eyes weren't lying. Westfield was even more handsome in the light. His dark hair was just long enough that it curled at his ears, his pointed ears. f**k! A Fae!? No wonder he wasn't falling for my typical song and dance. The fae are immune to the sway of a Succubus. I can't charm this bastard. "Officer Westfield, can I offer you some company?" "Sit. I have many questions for you Seraphina." The glare of his hazel eyes held mine and for just a split second I could have sworn they softened. I sipped my herbal tea and stared back. "How long have you lived and worked in this region?" "Just about two years." "Where did you live before that?" "Three hours up the coast in Elloway. I lived there with my Aunt until she passed. Before that, I lived in Redford with my mother. She is long dead as well. Sickness. It took half the town then." Westfield's eyes softened again, longer this time. "I'm sorry for your loss Seraphina." He looked at me like he was genuinely sorry. I knew then that I had won this round. By now that body should be down the shoot and being devoured by the hogs. "Me too." I shot him a half smile. "Now how about that look around my room that I promised you." Westfield followed me closely back down the hall. He opened the door to see a large comfortable bed with dark purple adorning the bedding and drapes. My black vanity had an array of candles lit. In my eyes, it was quite romantic. "Please look through my things. You'll see I have nothing to hide. Least of all a lord. Though one could hope." I giggled hoping to ease the tension as he walked into my room and began opening drawers on my large black dresser. Officer Westfield picked up a leather strap in one hand and a barely-there lace black thong in the other hand. "Do you wield these often?" a sly smirk danced on the edge of his curving lips. "Wield? Heavens no! Only when my customers wish to be punished with denial." I winked and I almost would bet that I saw a tiny blush across Westfield's cheeks. I grinned. "You are much too polite to a lady such as myself to be a royal officer Mr. Westfield." Officer Westfield stared into my eyes. "Ladies of the night have shown me great kindness in the past. I would offer any woman the same kindness." I baulked quite awkwardly at the gentleman. "You must know you are a rare breed, Officer Westfield." Westfield nodded knowingly acknowledging the wickedness of men. I suddenly felt hot, too hot. My stomach fluttered almost uncomfortably. What was happening to me? "Are you okay?" Westfield asked. "Yes, yes. I'm just tired. It has been a long day." "Can I help you sit or lay down? You look like you might pass out." I can't believe this beautiful man just asked my permission to not let me fall on the floor. "Yes, please." I said gazing up in bewildered amazement.

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