Chapter 12

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AT Mr. IRSYAD'S HOUSE The time shows 07:00 pm. You can see Mr. Irsyad and Yuli's mother who are sitting relaxed in the family room, however there is no Dinda seen among them, since coming home from college he immediately entered into the room, it seems he is still very annoyed with Eriks punishment to him. "Mah, where is Dinda? Is he out? How come papa didn't see it earlier?" Asked Mr Irsyad is curious while leaking to the right and left the whole room looking for Dinda, because usually Dinda always waiting for him to come home from work in the Room family. "Why is there, sir! From college he came home went straight to the room, he said he was still annoyed." Yuli's mother answered seriously while reading Quran. "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you! Mama.! Erik is on the road now, want here he is, and he wants to stay here for a while." said Mr. Irsyad seriously, I forgot to tell Yuli's mother, if Erik is the son of Mr. Edi, he will live in home for a while. "Eriiik.? Erik is Mr. Edi's son, right? Mr Edi a lecturer at Dinda's campus.?" said Yuli's mother in a slightly high-pitched voice in surprise. "Yes, sir, lately, Mr. Edi is often sick. it hurts, now Mr. Edi can't do it anymore teach again, and Erik will be the one replace Pak Edi to teach." Mr. Irsyad said trying to explain to Yuli's mother as clearly as possible. Mr. Edi is a close friend of Mr. Irsyad, they have been friends since childhood their house is close, but because Mr. Irsyad's work problem was forced to moved house, and Erik is also a friend Arya's sister Dinda from childhood to now, but Dinda doesn't know about That's because he wasn't born before, and so with Erik, he only knows Arya has a sister, but he doesn't know that Arya's sister is Dinda a proud woman who angry with him, because he and Dinda has never met previously. "Oooh, is that so? I'm sorry, Mr. Edi.? Is he really sick,,,,,, "No time mom Yuli finished it, however already cut off, because I heard the sound of the bell rang, then he and sir Irsyad immediately went to open the door to his house. "Eeeeehhhhh son Erik, you've arrived.? Come on please come in.!" said Yuli's mother while smile very kindly, then he stepped into the room family and followed by Mr. Irsyad and Erik from behind. "Please have a seat, please have a seat.!" sir said irshad with a smile. Hearing the words of Mr. Irsyad, Erik immediately sat down, as well with Mr. Irsyad and also Mrs. Yuli, then after that they immediately chat with a lot of fun, a lot and long. While they were chatting, seen bi Iroh walking over to mother Yuli who is still sitting in the family room with Mr. Irsyad and Erik. "Sorry ma'am, dinner is ready." Say Bi Iroh is polite. "Ooohhh yes thank you bi.?" Yuli's mother said, then he also invited Mr. Irsyad and Erik for dinner together. "Well, let's eat.! Poor Erik, I've been hungry since earlier." Yuli's mother continued again, smiling seductively at Erik. Hearing the teasing from Yuli's mother, Erik just smiled, then he walked along together with him and sir irsyad headed for dining table. "Oh yes, bi Iroh, bi.! Please call non Dinda, tell him to come down to eat.!" AT Mr. IRSYAD'S HOUSE The time shows 07:00 pm. You can see Mr. Irsyad and Yuli's mother who are sitting relaxed in the family room, however there is no Dinda seen among them, since coming home from college he immediately entered into the room, it seems he is still very annoyed with Eriks punishment to him. "Mah, where is Dinda? Is he out? How come papa didn't see it earlier?" Asked Mr Irsyad is curious while leaking to the right and left the whole room looking for Dinda, because usually Dinda always waiting for him to come home from work in the Room family. "Why is there, sir! From college he came home went straight to the room, he said he was still annoyed." Yuli's mother answered seriously while reading Quran. "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you! Mama.! Erik is on the road now, want here he is, and he wants to stay here for a while." said Mr. Irsyad seriously, I forgot to tell Yuli's mother, if Erik is the son of Mr. Edi, he will live in home for a while. "Eriiik.? Erik is Mr. Edi's son, right? Mr Edi a lecturer at Dinda's campus.?" said Yuli's mother in a slightly high-pitched voice in surprise. "Yes, sir, lately, Mr. Edi is often sick. it hurts, now Mr. Edi can't do it anymore teach again, and Erik will be the one replace Pak Edi to teach." Mr. Irsyad said trying to explain to Yuli's mother as clearly as possible. Mr. Edi is a close friend of Mr. Irsyad, they have been friends since childhood their house is close, but because Mr. Irsyad's work problem was forced to moved house, and Erik is also a friend Arya's sister Dinda from childhood to now, but Dinda doesn't know about That's because he wasn't born before, and so with Erik, he only knows Arya has a sister, but he doesn't know that Arya's sister is Dinda a proud woman who angry with him, because he and Dinda has never met previously. "Oooh, is that so? I'm sorry, Mr. Edi.? Is he really sick,,,,,, "No time mom Yuli finished it, however already cut off, because I heard the sound of the bell rang, then he and sir Irsyad immediately went to open the door to his house. "Eeeeehhhhh son Erik, you've arrived.? Come on please come in.!" said Yuli's mother while smile very kindly, then he stepped into the room family and followed by Mr. Irsyad and Erik from behind. "Please have a seat, please have a seat.!" sir said irshad with a smile. Hearing the words of Mr. Irsyad, Erik immediately sat down, as well with Mr. Irsyad and also Mrs. Yuli, then after that they immediately chat with a lot of fun, a lot and long. While they were chatting, seen bi Iroh walking over to mother Yuli who is still sitting in the family room with Mr. Irsyad and Erik. "Sorry ma'am, dinner is ready." Say Bi Iroh is polite. "Ooohhh yes thank you bi.?" Yuli's mother said, then he also invited Mr. Irsyad and Erik for dinner together. "Well, let's eat.! Poor Erik, I've been hungry since earlier." Yuli's mother continued again, smiling seductively at Erik. Hearing the teasing from Yuli's mother, Erik just smiled, then he walked along together with him and sir irsyad headed for dining table. "Oh yes, bi Iroh, bi.! Please call non Dinda, tell him to come down to eat.!" AT Mr. IRSYAD'S HOUSE The time shows 07:00 pm. You can see Mr. Irsyad and Yuli's mother who are sitting relaxed in the family room, however there is no Dinda seen among them, since coming home from college he immediately entered into the room, it seems he is still very annoyed with Eriks punishment to him. "Mah, where is Dinda? Is he out? How come papa didn't see it earlier?" Asked Mr Irsyad is curious while leaking to the right and left the whole room looking for Dinda, because usually Dinda always waiting for him to come home from work in the Room family. "Why is there, sir! From college he came home went straight to the room, he said he was still annoyed." Yuli's mother answered seriously while reading Quran. "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you! Mama.! Erik is on the road now, want here he is, and he wants to stay here for a while." said Mr. Irsyad seriously, I forgot to tell Yuli's mother, if Erik is the son of Mr. Edi, he will live in home for a while. "Eriiik.? Erik is Mr. Edi's son, right? Mr Edi a lecturer at Dinda's campus.?" said Yuli's mother in a slightly high-pitched voice in surprise. "Yes, sir, lately, Mr. Edi is often sick. it hurts, now Mr. Edi can't do it anymore teach again, and Erik will be the one replace Pak Edi to teach." Mr. Irsyad said trying to explain to Yuli's mother as clearly as possible. Mr. Edi is a close friend of Mr. Irsyad, they have been friends since childhood their house is close, but because Mr. Irsyad's work problem was forced to moved house, and Erik is also a friend Arya's sister Dinda from childhood to now, but Dinda doesn't know about That's because he wasn't born before, and so with Erik, he only knows Arya has a sister, but he doesn't know that Arya's sister is Dinda a proud woman who angry with him, because he and Dinda has never met previously. "Oooh, is that so? I'm sorry, Mr. Edi.? Is he really sick,,,,,, "No time mom Yuli finished it, however already cut off, because I heard the sound of the bell rang, then he and sir Irsyad immediately went to open the door to his house. "Eeeeehhhhh son Erik, you've arrived.? Come on please come in.!" said Yuli's mother while smile very kindly, then he stepped into the room family and followed by Mr. Irsyad and Erik from behind. "Please have a seat, please have a seat.!" sir said irshad with a smile. Hearing the words of Mr. Irsyad, Erik immediately sat down, as well with Mr. Irsyad and also Mrs. Yuli, then after that they immediately chat with a lot of fun, a lot and long. While they were chatting, seen bi Iroh walking over to mother Yuli who is still sitting in the family room with Mr. Irsyad and Erik. "Sorry ma'am, dinner is ready." Say Bi Iroh is polite. "Ooohhh yes thank you bi.?" Yuli's mother said, then he also invited Mr. Irsyad and Erik for dinner together. "Well, let's eat.! Poor Erik, I've been hungry since earlier." Yuli's mother continued again, smiling seductively at Erik. Hearing the teasing from Yuli's mother, Erik just smiled, then he walked along together with him and sir irsyad headed for dining table. "Oh yes, bi Iroh, bi.! Please call non Dinda, tell him to come down to eat.!" AT Mr. IRSYAD'S HOUSE The time shows 07:00 pm. You can see Mr. Irsyad and Yuli's mother who are sitting relaxed in the family room, however there is no Dinda seen among them, since coming home from college he immediately entered into the room, it seems he is still very annoyed with Eriks punishment to him. "Mah, where is Dinda? Is he out? How come papa didn't see it earlier?" Asked Mr Irsyad is curious while leaking to the right and left the whole room looking for Dinda, because usually Dinda always waiting for him to come home from work in the Room family. "Why is there, sir! From college he came home went straight to the room, he said he was still annoyed." Yuli's mother answered seriously while reading Quran. "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you! Mama.! Erik is on the road now, want here he is, and he wants to stay here for a while." said Mr. Irsyad seriously, I forgot to tell Yuli's mother, if Erik is the son of Mr. Edi, he will live in home for a while. "Eriiik.? Erik is Mr. Edi's son, right? Mr Edi a lecturer at Dinda's campus.?" said Yuli's mother in a slightly high-pitched voice in surprise. "Yes, sir, lately, Mr. Edi is often sick. it hurts, now Mr. Edi can't do it anymore teach again, and Erik will be the one replace Pak Edi to teach." Mr. Irsyad said trying to explain to Yuli's mother as clearly as possible. Mr. Edi is a close friend of Mr. Irsyad, they have been friends since childhood their house is close, but because Mr. Irsyad's work problem was forced to moved house, and Erik is also a friend Arya's sister Dinda from childhood to now, but Dinda doesn't know about That's because he wasn't born before, and so with Erik, he only knows Arya has a sister, but he doesn't know that Arya's sister is Dinda a proud woman who angry with him, because he and Dinda has never met previously. "Oooh, is that so? I'm sorry, Mr. Edi.? Is he really sick,,,,,, "No time mom Yuli finished it, however already cut off, because I heard the sound of the bell rang, then he and sir Irsyad immediately went to open the door to his house. "Eeeeehhhhh son Erik, you've arrived.? Come on please come in.!" said Yuli's mother while smile very kindly, then he stepped into the room family and followed by Mr. Irsyad and Erik from behind. "Please have a seat, please have a seat.!" sir said irshad with a smile. Hearing the words of Mr. Irsyad, Erik immediately sat down, as well with Mr. Irsyad and also Mrs. Yuli, then after that they immediately chat with a lot of fun, a lot and long. While they were chatting, seen bi Iroh walking over to mother Yuli who is still sitting in the family room with Mr. Irsyad and Erik. "Sorry ma'am, dinner is ready." Say Bi Iroh is polite. "Ooohhh yes thank you bi.?" Yuli's mother said, then he also invited Mr. Irsyad and Erik for dinner together. "Well, let's eat.! Poor Erik, I've been hungry since earlier." Yuli's mother continued again, smiling seductively at Erik. Hearing the teasing from Yuli's mother, Erik just smiled, then he walked along together with him and sir irsyad headed for dining table. "Oh yes, bi Iroh, bi.! Please call non Dinda, tell him to come down to eat.!"
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