Chapter 15

3479 Words

          {Deacon’s P.O.V.}           Once we left Miami and were up in the air heading to Tampa’s airport, I had some time to myself to think about what Allie confessed. I was flattered that I was part of her fantasy, but that’s all it was. It’s not like Allie had feelings for me, and I was okay with that. But Amber was right, I needed to let go of my feelings for Allie and fast before my mate accidentally found out. Amber warned me that Heather has a lot of bad habits, and one of them eves dropping. Which meant my brothers and I had to be really careful of what we said around her.           We all agreed that there would be no talks of Allie between the three of us until we were behind closed doors, and I had to promise not to spend any time alone with Allie otherwise Heather would get

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