(Colorado, Lady holding a child) “Hey you, please no trespassers allowed here.” Shouts one of the sweepers of the city. “I have no home. Can you help me?” “Why are you here in the morning time?” “My landlord threw me out and we are without a home.” “I am no money lord lady. And you do look like one of those slum women.” “Yes, I am. And the landlord promised me a good room for me and my child.” “Go back to the slums you came from lady.” “Please mercy. My child hasn’t got milk.” Well, there is a building construction right there. They are hiring workers there.” “Thank you.” “Here lady take a dollar for your baby.” The sweeper pulls a dollar bill from his pocket. (Hammer strikes) “Old lady, would you please add some more water to the cement?” “I am doing my best. The caretaker i