Our Heroine's Plight

1379 Words
Hearing shouting before I even open the door, I frown heavily. My mother is screaming her head off about who knows what. Hopefully the neighbors don’t freak out hearing that and think my dad is attacking her or something. That’s happened before and was pretty crazy having to explain it to them when they showed up ready to arrest my father for possible domestic abuse. Honestly my mother would be the one they will one day haul off. She’s a loose cannon especially the last few years. I quietly insert my key and turn the lock. Once I shut the door as silently as possible I hear my dad’s calm voice. He’s calm but sounds irritated and impatient. “Tina we cannot do this anymore. We are about to lose the house.” “I thought I could fix it. I was up on top and went for one more win. I had no idea I would lose it all.” My mother huffs like a toddler. I stay out of sight for now. “Forty Thousand Dollars Tina! We are going to have to sell your car. You can start taking me to and from work. And you will have to see about upping your hours each week or getting a second part time job. No more eating out and no MORE SHOPPING! Also we need to trim what we can. Cable, cut phone plans down to the bare minimum.” I hear my mother stomp her foot. “Sell my car?! No I am not doing that Simon and then chauffeuring you around. Let Carys sell her car. She can take the bus. And seriously you expect us to live like paupers?” My father says through clenched teeth “We are paupers right now Tina. And our daughter bought that car on her own with money she worked for. She is not selling it to bail you out because you were childish and irresponsible. She is already working two jobs to help us out when she should be spending that money on herself.” Mom starts crying which is her way of getting Dad to do whatever she wants “Oh baby I’m sorry. I’m so overwhelmed. And how can I get another job if I don’t have a car. Carys won’t mind taking the bus I am sure baby.” I silently scream. I don’t want to sell my car and take the bus. It’s not like it’s some high dollar new model either. It was ten years old and had one hundred fifty thousand miles on it when I bought it three years ago. I only drive it to work and home so at least I haven’t added many miles and it was a really reliable model. For once Dad doesn’t budge though. “No Tina. We are not asking that of her. You are the adult here, the parent. You will make the sacrifice this time for your issues. Not our daughter.” I hear Mom let out a frustrated scream and stomp upstairs. Letting out my breath slowly, I almost choke when I hear “Come on in here sweetie.” My dad’s voice is tired. I slowly walk into the living room and he sits with his head in his hands. “Hi Dad.” I say before I wrap my arms around his shoulders and hug him. He looks up and gives me a tight smile. “Hi sweetie. I’m sorry you had to hear that. You are not selling your car though.” “We wouldn’t get much for it anyway. But I can see about getting another job Daddy.” He looks so sad and shakes his head. “No sweetie you are already giving up enough of your life. I will take care of it.” “How much Daddy?” I ask quietly. “The forty thousand you heard and an additional twenty-five thousand from before.” He whispers and I gasp. “I’ll help I promise. You don’t have to do this alone.” I tell him with determination. My dad works two jobs and barely gets any sleep as it is. “No sweetie. I will do something ok.” “Your mom is such a b***h! She really wanted to sell your car and you take the bus?” Annis says angrily. I look at my best friend and she is scowling hard. She is pulling her long black hair into a messy bun but her hazel eyes are flashing furiously as she gets angrier from my storyl. “Yeah that’s what she was trying to convince Dad of. But hers is only three years old and they’ll get a lot of money for it. Mine wouldn’t even make a drop in the bucket.” “Do you really want to look for a third job?” Annis asks quietly. I nod “Yeah I don’t want Dad to have to work so hard. I have plenty of time since one of my jobs is that online editing for ebooks. I have lots of free time.” “Well if you’re serious, my cousin Beth works at a club. It’s an upscale club and bar. There is no stripping or anything like that. Just alcohol and loud music. She works as a waitress and the tips are killer. She makes close to a thousand a night. The really wealthy businessmen frequent it.” I think about Beth. She is even more innocent that I am if that’s possible. If she’s ok working there I should be too. “Only thing is babe you will have to venture out of your baggy shirt and jeans comfort zone. The wardrobe is a dress but you can put shorts underneath it.” I watch as she surfs her phone and shows me a photo. It’s Beth in a black dress. It’s fitted and has a v neck but barely shows any cleavage. It stops mid thigh and is tight enough it won’t show anything while walking. “This is the uniform. Want me to see if she can hook you up with an interview?” Thinking hard, I nod. I can do this. I’m super shy but I will do whatever it takes to help my dad. The next day I am walking into the club at two in the afternoon for an interview. I let Annis dress me so I have a shot at the job. I am wearing a white denim skirt that stops a little above my knees and a black shirt that is fitted but not skin tight. She’d left my dark brown hair down in its mixture of loose curls and waves. A hint of mascara on my thick lashes to accentuate my silvery blue eyes and a little pink lip gloss was all she said I needed. I walk in and see Beth waiting for me. She waves and I walk to her side. “Hi Beth.” “Hi Carys. Nice to meet you. Maurice is going to do your interview. He’s super nice and has a daughter our age. He’s the main manager and doesn’t tolerate any funny business with us girls.” I give her a look of relief. I had been terrified the guy interviewing me would be some young guy who said I wasn’t hot enough to work here. She leads me to a back office and we knock. A tall man with sandy blonde hair opens the door. He’s wearing a suit and says “Ah you must be Carys. Nice to meet you. Come on in with Beth.” We walk in and sit down. “So Carys do you have any experience waiting tables?” “I do. I used to work at a breakfast café when I was in high school sir.” He smiles and asks me a few more questions. “Alright well it looks like you will suit us well. Can you start tomorrow? Five to nine then. Weekends we are open until midnight and closed on Sundays. You will work tomorrow, Friday and Saturday night this week.” I nod happily. “Yes sir I can. Thank you.” This will work out great. It has to.
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