Dinner from Hell Part 2

1445 Words
Carys My mother laughs “Because he needs some people around him with class. My daughter may not be the hottest beauty in the world but she’s not a tramp at least unlike some at her age.” Ouch, thanks Mom I guess. I see the cutting gaze she sends at Gabriella and wonder what that’s all about. Her head turns and she smiles at Jonathan Taylor. He narrows his eyes at her and then looks back toward me. The waiter stands at my elbow and coughs hesitantly “Miss would you like more water?” I shake my head wanting to cry. I look over and find Maxim staring at me intently. I look down unable to hold his gaze. What must he think of me? I’m going to get whiplash from my head snapping back and forth between people insulting others at the table. Annis kicks me gently but I ignore her. I hear my mother and Gabriella arguing now and then Landon joins in. Lorenzo tries to stop them but it’s just a horrible shrieking shouting match at this point. I close my eyes a few tears slipping out. Gabriella is standing up her hand gesturing madly as she talks to Lorenzo in Italian. She is completely ignoring her husband who is actually trying to get her to calm down. Lorenzo walks over and takes her shoulders trying to calm her too. My mother stands and says “You still are just a crazy ass b***h aren’t you. I don’t even know what you are saying and I can tell.” She titters and I realize she is drunk. Gabriella throws her wine at my mother soaking her and splashing my father and Annis when she does. She sets her wine glass down and looks ready to slap my mother. Silence fills the room for a bit. Finally I hear a hand slam down on the table followed by “Abbastanza!!” Maxim is on his feet and his hand is flat on the table. “You are humilitiating yourself Zia Gabriella. And you are drunk at your daughter’s rehearsal! Vergognoso! This dinner should end. Have the waiters box up everyone’s food and we are all leaving. We are sorry we have disturbed the other guests in the restaurant.” I see him gesturing to the waiter who had asked to refill my water. “Certainly Mr. Taylor.” He nods and scurries out. Oh god, I didn’t even think about them. I turn my head and see people staring into the room from outside. I feel my cheeks flame and I drop my head. This will certainly make the front gossip pages tomorrow. Lorenzo leans over “I am sorry Carys. Let’s go.” I nod and let him help me from my chair. Walking through the restaurant seems equivalent to doing the walk of shame right now. People are whispering and staring at us as we leave. Lorenzo walks us straight out onto the edge of the beach where it’s deserted. “I am sorry Carys. I had no idea it would devolve into that.” I did I think ruefully. I hoped maybe there would be less shouting though. And my mother wasn’t drunk in my imagination either. She had acted weird though. I wonder what she meant by some of what she said. “It’s alright. Not your fault.” He hands me my to go box and I think about throwing it away right now. I definitely lost my appetite. His phone begins ringing and he answers it quickly. His face grows more and more alarmed the longer he listens. Finally I hear him say “I’ll be right there.” He turns to me “Carys something really bad has happened. I need to go but I will be back tomorrow afternoon I promise. Call me if you need me.” Without waiting for an answer, he takes off for the lobby. I get to my feet shakily and decide to go back to my room. I bring the box of food in case I do get hungry later. I plan on finding my most comfiest pajamas after a long hot bath and then I am not moving from my room. I am looking down reliving the evening and run right into something solid. Two arms stop me from falling and I stare up gratefully at Maxim. “Careful carissima you almost fell. Are you alright? Where is Lorenzo?” He glances around and I stammer out “He had an emergency. I was going back up to my room.” He nods “I will come with you. You don’t look very with it.” I am fumbling in my purse as we walk down the hall toward my room. I am about to insert the keycard into the handle when Maxim puts his hand on my arm. I look up when he pulls a taped piece of paper from my door. He opens the folded sheet and his face darkens. “Go ahead inside Carys and get some rest.” “Wait is that note important?” I ask wondering what it is. “No. I will speak to the staff and take care of it.” He pushes me gently in the door and lets it close behind me. Well that was weird I think as I head to the bath. Then I laugh, no weirder than the rest of the night. I am soaking when I hear the door slam shut and Annis calling out “Carys? Where are you babe?” “Bathtub.” I yell back and she appears in the doorway. Her heels are in her hands and she leans on the doorframe. “That has to go down as the most eventful rehearsal dinner in history. The only thing that could have made it more memorable is if your mom had gotten up and started dancing on the table.” Her smile is wry and I grimace. “Ugh why did I think this was a good idea. I should tell Lorenzo the whole thing is off.” She shakes her head “No babe. You guys will be fine but I don’t think there will be any family vacations over the next three years.” She snickers but then her face sobers up. “Seriously though, Gabriella might stab you if you even go to dinner at her house. I picture that woman as an Italian assassin. You can put her in one of your stories. She’d be a great villain, or at least some nice practice for the hero to off.” I laugh now. “I actually already thought of that. She’s fleshed out in my mind. She needs a crazy name though, something everyone sees in a book and says ‘oh that’s the crazy chick’.” Annis thinks for a second “Melissa or Vivian, Valerie, Victoria. What’s with all the V’s you use? V for villain?” I ponder for a minute and say “You might be right. Didn’t realize how often I’ve used V names as my bad guy.” “Back to the subject at hand of psycho mothers, what the hell was wrong with yours tonight? She tried chasing after Jonathan and Landon at the end of the night too. Your dad had to yank her off and practically carry her to their room.” “Really?” I shake my head. “Who knows? At least she didn’t call me a tramp I guess.” “If she acts like that at the wedding, I will tackle her to the ground and sit on her.” I laugh at the image and she gets an even bigger smile. “Oooh even better, I’ll have the Taylor bodyguards haul her away screaming and kicking after I smash cake in her face and say she assaulted me. Talking about ‘oh you can’t do this to me, this is my daughter’s wedding. No let me stay!” All dramatic like in the movies.” “Maybe you should be the writer.” I tell her and she shakes her head. “Nah you have the much dirtier mind than I do. Remember I’ve read everything you’ve written. It’s always the quiet ones I swear.” She gives me a saucy grin and wanders out muttering about a hot bath herself in the other bathroom. I blush a bit knowing exactly what all she has read. And yeah I may be inexperienced but I’ve read things and for some reason those are the easiest chapters to write in my books.
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