11. The visitor!

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Around 11.30 pm, I got a call from dad. He said he is near the gate to pick me up. Jeff offered to walk me to the gate. But just before we reach the exit door, a lecturer stopped him to discuss something. Therefore, I went out alone... My eyes were searching for Chris for the entire time I was inside. But after that argument with VC, Chris was nowhere to be found. I had to walk, passing the car park to get to the gate... I saw someone was leaning to the fence beside the car park. When I get closer, it was not hard to recognize that it was Chris. He was leaning to the railing and smoking a cigarette. His eyes focused beyond the fence to the infinity... From where I was, I could only get the side view of him. But I could easily understand that he looked miserable... I stared at his sorrow filled handsome face for a few seconds... I don’t know what he argued with the VC to get this heartbroken. Or is it something that happened afterward? I can stay all night looking at him from a distance like this... I don't know what power he has to attract me to him this much. However, I didn't have time to do what my heart wants to do. My dad was waiting outside. He was going home from the office, and without a doubt, he is tired. So, I didn't want to keep him waited for a long time. Therefore, releasing a sigh, I step forward to leave. Then only I saw where he was keeping his hand... He was holding a broken metal bar attached to the fence. I think he was holding it with a lot of pressure because his palm was bleeding!!! It was bleeding a lot... How come he didn't notice that his palm was bleeding like that? That metal bar was rusty too... If his palm gets bled like this, he will be in serious trouble. Even now, he will definitely have to go through an injection course for tetanus. Without even thinking twice, I ran to him. "Chris! Your hand is bleeding!" I shouted at him. When he heard my voice, he confusedly looked at my direction. Then only I saw his eyes clearly. With no doubts, there were tears in those sexy eyes... My heart ached when I see those tears... He is in great misery... Anyway, I should first look into his hand. "Your hand!" I again shouted. Then he confusedly looked at his own palm... He was blankly staring at his bleeding palm, without saying or doing anything. I don't really understand this man. How could he stay like a statue when his hand is bleeding like that? I took his hand in mine without hesitation... This i***t is going to bleed to death if I don't do something. I carefully examined his palm... God! The cut seemed deep... He has to go to the hospital immediately! Until that, I must stop bleeding. I quickly searched my pursed and got my handkerchief out. I know these days no one really uses handkerchiefs, but I prefer having one in my purse along with my tissues. I thanked God for that habit, otherwise how can I find anything to cover this i***t's wound! I quickly wrapped his palm with my handkerchief to prevent bleeding. Chris was just standing there doing nothing. He didn't even have the courtesy of throwing out his fu**ing cigarette. He was just holding it from his other hand. I was getting a headache too because of the smoke... If you are not bleeding like this, I won't stay even a second near you... "What is wrong with you, Chris? How come you didn't notice your palm getting this badly wounded?" I grumbled after finishing my work... He said nothing... "You must go to a hospital as soon as possible. I think you must get an injection course too..." I said again. Still no answer from him. Then, making me going mad, he placed the cigarette on his lips and smoked... He didn't even say thank you, yet he smoked again to my face! God! I can kill you, stupid Chris! What the fu** is wrong with you? I am such a fool to attend to your wound. I should have left you without even looking at you. You and your pathetic ego! You must go to hell!!! Then he looked at me like he remembered something. His eyes were again filled with tears... As soon as I saw those tears, my heart melted... I totally forgot that I wanted to kill him just a second ago... His entire face was covered in pain, but that pain is not from the physical wound he has, I am sure about that. He is suffering... A lot... Honestly, now I would stay the entire day beside him, even if he smoked a full pack... Even if my head gets so close to exploding... He stared at me for a few seconds and threw away the cigarette. “Let me take you home.” then he said. It was the first thing he spoke since I came here. The moment I heard his voice, I felt like my heart was crushed. His voice was loaded with that much pain... At that moment, I truly wish my dad was not there waiting for me near the gate... Chris is lonely... He needs the company of someone when he is going through this difficulty... But how can I let him take me home now? "My dad is there waiting for him..." though my heart screamed that I should go home with him, my mind didn't listen... He didn't reply, instead; he walked to his car and get in... Then he started the engine and raced off like he forgot he is still in the car park... I was just watching him leaving me, like a fool... Even after his car was out of my vision, I was just staring... Why didn't he say anything? Is he angry with me for not coming with him? No, he was in a big problem... That's why he acted like that... Then I heard my phone ringing... It was my dad... Without even waiting to answer, I ran to the gate... ************************** After taking a wash, I sat near my study table... I could get a view of his room from here. His room's light was not on yet... He hasn't come home. Did he go to the hospital? Or is he somewhere smoking and thinking, like an idiot... Is his palm still bleeding, as if he didn't go to a hospital? Thousand and one questions were crowded in my mind. I was up all night, but no lights were switched on in his room. Why he is not home yet? My mind filled with fear... God! Please protect him. Don’t let him do anything stupid. Please make him go to a hospital and get his wound treated. Praying God like that, I have fallen asleep for some time. When I woke up, it was around 7 in the morning. Without waiting to even wash face, I ran to the balcony. But no one was there at his balcony, not even in their garden. I was so scared. What has happened to him? I know this is not the first night he didn’t come home, yet yesterday he was wounded both internally and externally. However, when it was getting to the afternoon, I couldn't bear it anymore. How can I get any information about him? I don't even have his phone number. This made me think about what I know about him. He is so mysterious. One time he is like a joyful angel, but the next moment he is like the devil himself... What is the reason that makes him act like that? Anyway, I couldn't just sit and wait. So, I thought of trying the only mechanism I had to get information on him. Yes, I decided to go to his mansion back. Yes... Yes... I have no shame! But this time, I promised myself not to go inside. I will just go to his agate and ask the security person. ***************************** When I rang the bell at his gate, the same security person who I met earlier came out. "Is Chris home?" I asked, politely. "No, ma'am sir is not home..." he replied. "Oh! Did he come last night?" I asked again. "No, ma'am..." he replied. "Okay, thank you..." I said. After coming home only I remembered, I didn't even ask for Chris's phone number. I spent the rest of the day at the balcony, worrying about him... Mom asked me a few times why I am staying there all the time. I told her since I have to get ready for the competition; it is easy for me to concentrate. That was a big lie. I couldn't concentrate on my work at all. My heart was aching for Chris without knowing what has happened to him. Yesterday, I had to lie to my dad for getting late. Now, I lied to my mom... I hate that I have to lie to such wonderful and supportive parents. All these are because of you, Chris! A few days back, when I observed how the other girls were acting like total idiots, even missing their studies for the person they love or have a crush on, I laughed at them. I couldn't even understand how could they act so insanely. I thought about why they act as they live only to fall in love... I think today I am suffering the same fate because I laughed at them... I don't know what kind of feeling I have for Chris. Is it love or just a crush? Anyway, I know one thing; I care about him a lot... Except for my parents; he is the first person I care about this much... *************************** The evening also came... But I couldn't see Chris... I had no option... I went back to his gate and asked about him again. Just think how desperate I was. However, the answer I got was he still didn't come home. Also, the security guard refused to give Chris's number. He said they strongly advised him not to give his phone number to anyone. I spent that night also watching his room... I have so much to study for the competition, but here I am worrying about someone I barely know... By the morning, I even felt like calling Jeff and ask if he has Chris's phone number... But as soon as that thought come to my mind, I shook it off... I have hurt Jeff enough already. When Jeff called me today, he could realize I was in some kind of problem... I don't really know how he can feel me like this... "Em... You are in a problem, right?" he asked kindly. "No! I am just exhausted." I lied... Chris, you make me a big fat liar. "Hey! don't think much... You don't even have to study anymore... You already know more than enough." he tried to make my heart... Poor Jeff... I felt so bad about lying to him... However, when he called the next time, he got even more worried about me... "Em... You sound miserable... I am so worried about you...I feel like coming to your house and see you..." he said. I had to do a lot of convincing to stop him worrying about me. Why can't I just mind my business without trying to take care of a guy whose life is a total question? I am just making my loved ones worry... However, during the afternoon, I again went to his gate just to receive the same answer. "Sir has not come home..." I have no words to describe how I was feeling. What if something bad has happened to him? I should have told something to dad and come home with Chris that day. Then I could have made him agree to go to a hospital as well... This is all my fault, isn't it? He was in so much pain. I should have paid more attention to him. Who knows if he is suffering from depression too, and he needed someone to talk to... However, I think I fall into sleep when I was reading a book on the balcony... I was totally exhausted with lack of sleep and too much thinking. I woke up with one of our maids called me... "There is a handsome gentleman who came to meet you," she said, smiling. A handsome gentleman? I quickly checked my phone... Yes, just as I thought... There were 4 missed calls and 5 text messages from Jeff... Since he couldn't reach me, he came to see me as he said... Poor Jeff... I quickly washed my face and combed hair... Then I ran to the downstairs... "It is great you came here... Also, I am so glad that you are in the same batch with her..." I heard mom said. She is talking with him, and she seems she likes him. Jeff is superb at making everyone impressed with him. However, when I came to the downstairs and saw who was there sitting on our sofa, chatting with my mom, I felt like not just my heart, but the entire world ceased... ******************* Hello all, Sorry for the late update. My little one refused to sleep at all... I had to stop my work and attend to him for like a hundred times!!
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