Chapter 5: Street Fights And Twenties

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I looked down at the small black dress clinging to my body, my black knee high wedged boots giving me my panther nickname. The party probably already started and I was ready to go get drunk tonight. I deserved it after this week, especially since yesterday I spent most of the day getting glared at by Ben. I'm really starting to think he hates me, or well, us. He's always staring at Misty like she's asked something dumb. Placing on my black kitty ears, I grinned at my reflection feeling a bit confident. Salem sat on the windowsill giving me a look, and if he could talk I know his sassy ass would be saying 'You couldn't pull my look off if you tried.' Such an asshole that cat, and technically he's Kates but with her being sick, he's going to end up being moms. I always wished my parents could just pay the cancer away, then she'd be joining me. Yet, even with all the money my parents have, the cancer was too strong and too quick. Salem gave a long yawn and looked me over bored meowing something at me before walking out. Sassy ass. I laughed and headed to the stairs hurrying to the front door and calling bye to my dad who just said "Yeah!" He doesn't care, Ive been going out for years with Misty, and they never ask where I am or what I'm doing. They just have enough on their minds I guess. Shutting the door I went to the car parked outside, knowing her impatient self is ready to get out and push me in the vehicle. Misty gave me a stern glare "Lets go!" She shouted rolling the window down and giving me the evil eye. I headed into the car and she smacked my arm "Why do you look like a sexy panther?!" She asked scowling. I shrugged "I'm the panther I have to look like one" I said laughing as if we didn't have this conversation every Friday. Some day I'll get in and she won't remind me about my damn look. She scoffed "Lucky ass, you know you get the cute panther and I always get the snow queen." she gestured to her silver sparkly light blue dress and matching heels with her blonde locks in a fancy bun while a crown sat on her head. We lived by our party nicknames. Her eyes moved to my feet "Oh those look stellar on you! Damn Lana. Go and get you a man in those, get a fine ass man in those." She stated ogling my heels. We drove as she blasted some pop song of today and I tried not to cover my ears in annoyance. I hate her taste of music entirely. Pulling into the driveway, we got out and headed inside going to the front door. It opened and in we walked, the mansion filled with people and over flowing with music and booze. It's just another Friday for us.  The party was insane, and after I started feeling a little bit of the alcohol I placed the cup down and headed to go find Misty. The more I thought about kissing any of this nimrods the more my stomach turned in disgust. I only came in hopes I'd find some college guys, some intellectuals who bore college jerseys and a legal age to drink up. Only they didn't show up, it's all high school kids, which bummed me because I wore my heels out for nothing. Nothing! I've lost my kitty ears somewhere on the dance floor but I wasn't in the mood to look for them. They had my name sewn in red thread so someone will return them. I hope. If not, I'll have to get new ones and hope some loser isn't trying to pull them off with a leopard or cheetah print knockoff dress. Going outside, I looked to see if Misty was here but unlucky for me, her car was gone. I'm not surprised, she does this at least twice a month. Time to walk home, I eyed my new heels feeling so sad that my new Louibuitons are going to get worn out without even being admired. Heading for the street, I kicked the rocks avoiding eye contact with the weirdos out at this time. It's twelve, only weirdos are out right now, and I know that for a fact. Walking a good fifteen minutes, and avoiding four weirdos, I eyed my phone to make sure I had reception in case I got chased by crazy men. It's important to be safe even if your heels costed a good half a grand and you know you'd rather run barefoot. A loud crash and people cheering caught my attention. Normally I would turn and go the opposite way, but the crowd made me a bit more comfortable. No one will kill you in a crowd full of people, right? Turning to the crowd in the parking lot, I slowly headed toward it because I'm an annoyingly curious person. Shoving through the people whose eyes scolded me, mostly drunk teenagers, I stood in the front row of the circle watching as two guys fought along the ground. I stepped back in slight shock but it was thrilling, sort of fascinating actually. Despite his position, the guy on the bottom obviously had a upper hand. He grabbed the back of the guys head slamming punches into it before shoving him off and standing. It was when he stood that I realized his familiar green eyes, strong jaw, tousled hair and crazily sexy muscles. Oh f**k, I gotta go. Blood dropped down his eyebrow and he didn't show any emotion, as usual. Well there was anger, but that was normal. He dodged a good punch, only to receive one in the stomach, he bent over slightly but shook it off quick and threw four hard punches back to back. The guy landed to the floor with a thud and I starred at Ben as he looked down at the guy who was knocked out now. A man came up to him handing him a wad of cash before walking past me. Ben went to follow but stopped as he looked down at me, his eyes curious but he didn't say anything. I stepped back into a handsy man and he grinned as I stepped forward again scowling at the handsy man. "I'm not stalking you I swear, I just got distracted by the crowd, I didn't know you where the reason for it." I spoke moving my eyes from the handsy man to Ben. He starred down cautiously, "You're walking home alone?" He asked staring at me like I was an i***t while he looked my outfit over shaking his head in disbelief. I eyed him over in annoyance by his judgy stare "I can fend for myself." I scowled. Ben just nodded "Yeah sure, follow me." He said sighing and gesturing for me to follow. I did as he said, too afraid to say no because honestly this crowd is starting to look like they belong to a cult. We reached a sleek black charger and he got in gesturing for me to get into the passenger seat. I opened the door getting inside and buckling my seat belt, who knows if he drives like a wild man. I'm an i***t, who the hell gets in a car with a stranger?! Oh I know, idiots! And Misty! Blood ran down his cheek and I don't even know if he feels it, he just stared straight while he started up his car. "Do you have any napkins?" I asked looking around the car. He nodded pointing to the door pockets and I followed his hand. I grabbed the box of tissues pulling out two and leaned over the middle console while he turned on the heater. He gave me a confused look as I brought the napkin to his face and wiped the blood off his brow gently. "You have any band aids?" I looked around his car and he scratched the back of his neck, "No." I sighed, "You fight, but you don't own any bandaids?" I looked him over and watched him look at me with an annoyed stare. Shut up Lana. His eyes moved to the street "Where do I drop you off?" He asked turning the radio on and putting a rock station on low. Good song too, "Just up this street and then a left at the third light and then right into the homes." I said watching him nod and make a u-turn going up the street. He drove off to the house and when he turned onto my street, I watched his eyes glare at all the homes. "It's that beige one up there." I said pointing to my house. Ben pulled into the driveway and put the car in park, his eyes staring up at my house while he carefully ran his thumb over the top of his lip. "f*****g wealthy shit." He muttered under his breath. I watched his eyes move from my house to my heels in my hand, his eyes running over them "Look expensive." He said nodding to them. Finally! Someone acknowledged the damn heels, gee I mean I don't like the cocky bastard but thanks! I nodded "Yeah. Thanks for the ride Ben. Here's gas money." I said placing a twenty in the cup holder. His eyes moved to the cash before he plucked it out and held it toward me "I don't want your money." He said sounding angry. Staring at him confused I got out the car and watched him toss the twenty out of the window and drive off. Douchebag.
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