Chapter 61-The Gathering Storm

313 Words

POV: Unknown In a secluded chamber deep within the heart of the forest, a figure cloaked in shadows paced restlessly. The air crackled with a palpable tension, mirroring the turmoil within the figure's mind. "They are preparing," a voice whispered, barely audible yet carrying a weight of authority. The figure paused, hands clenched into fists. "I know," came the terse reply, filled with frustration and a hint of fear. "They grow stronger with each passing day," the voice continued, its tone unwavering. "Their unity is their greatest strength." A low growl rumbled from the figure's throat, a primal sound that spoke of suppressed rage. "Their unity will be their downfall," the figure declared, eyes blazing with a cold determination. Silence descended upon the chamber, broken only by th

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