1642 Words

Abby was about to open her mouth and ask but she was stopped by Glenda's ringing phone but Glenda didn't answer the call right away and let it ring. "Is it just me or was the timing a sign?" Glenda remarked, chuckling. James called to interrupt Abby before she could start asking for information from Glenda, a sign that even with the convenience of the situation for both Abby and Glenda to talk about it, fate still favored the absent James. "Let's save this conversation for another time, Abby. Besides, you and James just got married... I can be considerate to you both. Consider it my wedding gift." Glenda said, before her finger swiped right to answer James' call. Abby didn't argue, nor expressed her opinion anymore because what Glenda was holding out on her was enough to make her be

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