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NIGHT OF THE CHARITY BALL Abby checked herself in front of the mirror once again. She was obliged to attend a charity ball with Mr. Hector and as his secretary, secret wife and all-rounder assistant, manager and care person, she had to find him a new date every time there's a boisterous event that calls for his presence. He needs a date that matches his status, boosts his social lifestyle and to maintain a notable authority. Women are nothing to him but an accessory and a fashion trend that he needs to keep up to look impressive and relevant to the fast changing times. Like any smart man, Mr. Hector knows that healthy and positive publicity is good for the business. He prefers women with unique tastes in clothes and style, he likes them young and lively to be a source of entertainment for his friends and he always wants all his dates to be the life of the party. He believes that they balance his introverted personality and cold, serious character. So Abby chose Cytherea Eyre. Miss Cytherea Eyre, twenty one years old and currently the youngest, highest paid model in the entertainment industry and she's well known for her wild parties and high social life. James decided not to have a chauffeur for tonight's ride and took the pleasure of driving his own car. Abby silently sat in the passenger seat and watched her husband pick up his date for tonight. Sebastian wasn't able to come because his teachers announced an advance mid-term pretest tomorrow. There's no doubt who made that happen. ....His half-brother, James Hector. James stopped in front of the model's mansion and got out of the car to receive his date like a gentleman. "Can you carry me to your car?" The woman asked, obviously wanting to get close to him. James helped her without a single word coming out of his mouth. He carry his date, his arms scooped her waist and legs then lifted her off her feet to save her from the large steps in the front porch of her mansion. James carried her to the car and placed her to the ground then offered her to sit in the backseat. "I want to sit there, Mr. Hector. Let's sit close to each other." The model childishly stomped her red heels and remained hanging her arms around his neck like a needy spoiled princess. James knocked on the window of the passenger side, where his secretary was sitting then opened the door to tell her, "Get out." Abby bit her lower lips to stop herself from saying something... nasty. She obeyed and got out of the car. She stepped aside and nicely opened the door wider for the model to get in and take her seat. She ignored the model's rude stare and just kept her face emotionless but what she didn't expect at that moment was the narrow point of Cytherea's heels digging in her left foot. Cytherea Eyre intentionally stepped on her foot! Abby gritted her teeth while she ignored the pain and pretended like nothing happened, but her cool and ballsy personality just won't let that pass without a fair fight so she closed the door and did not let the woman take the passenger seat. Her boss frowned at her unexplained actions, which looked really rude by the way, so she put on a bright and cheerful face then suggested, "Why don't you share the backseat with Mr. Hector? I'll drive." "That would be amazing!" The model happily jumped in excitement. Abby didn't give James any chance to object and sat behind the wheel, she started the car and sped up to chase the time they lost while picking up the model. Abby found a good spot in the VIP parking lot and parked the car in haste, sending the people behind the backseat to fly out of their seats. When she heard the model groan after bumping her head, she smiled with satisfaction before getting out of the car to open the door for her boss. "Are you trying to kill us?" James looked at her with his silver grey eyes, almost intimidating her with a shot of warning in his glare. Almost! Abby Brooke is not the type that anyone can easily intimidate. "There are seatbelts in the backseat for a reason." Abby replied with a hint of sarcasm. "I'm sorry if I forgot to strap you in, sir. I'll be mindful next time." Abby was the only person that could talk back to him without fear, she's a brave yet sometimes annoying woman. "Next time? You're not driving again, Miss Brooke." James clenched his jaws to suppress his anger, he offered his hand to his date to escort her. They arrived at the red carpet entrance of the South Palace of Babel City. The cameras were flashing around every corner while they walked on the red carpet entrance of the palace. "It's so nice for you to choose me as your date this evening, Mr. Hector. I am honored." The red haired young model, with a vixen character and seductive smile, swayed her hips alluringly while walking with James. The cold-hearted billionaire only replied with silence, while keeping his strides slow to keep his arm around her waist and serve as her support. Abby tried her best to walk at the side, not stepping on the runway of the celebrities and famous people but the long lenses of the cameras were reaching over the stanchions and their pervert hands gave Abby no choice but to walk behind her boss since she can't let herself get near the red velvet ropes that serves as crowd control. She was afraid of being grabbed and touched inappropriately just like the last time she tried to avoid getting photographed. Abby followed behind her boss with a blank expression, keeping her face as plain as the background. It was a long walk, since the bratty celebrity date of her boss is having a hard time walking in her tight dress. The mermaid tail dress that the model was wearing limited her ability to walk with ease. "This dress is exhausting me, Mr. Hector." Miss Cytherea complained while faking her heavy breaths, she held on to James and made a pitiful face then asked, "Would you mind if I asked you to carry me?" 'Here comes the same old trick again.' Abby sighed in annoyance while she impatiently waited to watch James carry her for the second time. This has been the favor that always got James Hector and all his previous dates to hit the tabloids. His face always dominated the headlines every time he carried a woman like a bride in a red carpet walk. Abby rolled her eyes and walked past them, she wanted to skip this annoying sight before she could collect another annoying hanky-panky memory of her husband with another woman. But then she was grabbed by her wrist before she could squeeze her way into the crowded entrance. "Where are you going?" Mr. Hector asked, not letting her wrist go and leave him. "To get a drink for you, Mr. Hector. You're going to need one after you're done carrying your date." Abby whispered, keeping her bitterness at ground level. "You have two dates?" Oliver Hudson, Hector's close friend and the number one, most famous architectural technologist in five states, eyed Abby with an interested smile on his face. "Oh, I'm just Mr. Hector's secretary." Abby clarified before people could overhear and think she was also a human decoration. James silenced Abby with a sharp glance, his warning was telling her to butt out of the conversation. "Sorry." Abby mouthed shyly while retreating. "She seems nice. You didn't have to be rude, Jay." Oliver chuckled, patting his long time friend on his arm while his eyes followed the woman's running figure. James cleared his throat to get his friend's attention back to him then said, "Join me inside." "But what about me? I can't walk in this dress!" The woman complained when she felt left out after James forgot about her request. James Hector was getting tired of the same publicity stunt that his dates like to request from him to boost their fame. He was getting sick of it! "How much did this dress cost?" He asked the model. "You paid 8 million dollars for this dress, Mr.Hector." Cytherea Eyre made sure the answer was loud enough for everyone to hear. When James Hector dates someone, he showers them with generous gifts and bathes them with luxury. So when she got an invite to be his date in that charity ball, she ordered all the expensive things she ever dreamed of and she got them all in one day! The dress she wore was a rare design, it was a velvet mermaid tail dress and its ocean wave design was embedded with Swarovski crystals, the dress screamed for attention and so the people around her showered her with compliments and admiration. "No wonder it's cheap." James remarked, before tearing the dress from the bottom to give it a long narrow cut to let her legs breathe. The model gasped, horrified! She wasn't expecting him to do that to her dress. It cost him 8 million dollars and he just ripped it off! "Looks better." Oliver chuckled. "Now you can walk." James barely glanced at her and walked away with his friend.
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