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"I lost my earrings, sir. I was moving around trying to find it. That's why I was..umm sweating." Abby talked fast while pretending to check her bag, she found the remote and turned the frequency level back to zero so she could have an undisturbed peace between her legs. 'Thank goodness!' she breathed in relief as soon as the vibration stopped. "Come with me to my office. I'd like to see your work first before the meeting starts." Hector ordered and was about to step outside the office when he noticed that Abby was still rooted in her seat. "I'll follow after you, sir. I just need to take my laptop with me." Abby reasoned, hoping to have a chance to remove the stuffed d!ldo between her legs. She did not notice that her boss was eyeing her with an annoyed expression. "How hard is it to fold that damn thing and stuff it inside a bag?" Hector retorted impatiently. Abby swallowed hard and said, "I'm sorry sir, I'll just.." she immediately folded her laptop close and placed it inside her laptop sleeve. She walked with little steps, keeping her legs clipped and her v*g!na tight just to keep that thing from falling out. "What the hell is wrong with your gait? Is that how you normally walk?" Hector asked, after he saw how Abby walked behind him. "Hmm-hmm." Abby nodded anxiously. Hector sighed, and decided to ignore the woman's abnormal behavior. He went straight to his office with large and fast strides. He was a tall man with a strong intimidating figure, he had black flowing hair in the stylish wave of a brushed up coiffure. His face was always serious and cold, his flat tone in speaking always commanded dominance, respect and authority even though he exerts no energy in his conversation. He's also impatient and always values his time. He hates delays and sloth-like movement around him, because he likes to see busy people around him all the time. He was a workaholic boss with no sense of gratitude for the extra efforts that his employees do for his sake. He pays them to work and so he demands great results, anyone who doesn't meet his standards would either get fired or humiliated. Sometimes it's the latter that would make you wish to be fired. Mr. James Hector could destroy your pride, dignity and confidence in just a single derogatory remark, which would likely sounds like this,—'You're like an algae-scraping sea urchin, brainless!' At least he uses fancy words to describe someone as dumb as a brainless animal..if you're slow-witted? It sounded pretty and it sounded less harsh when he speaks with his accent! Mr. Hector never loses his class even when he's angry, he's mostly calm yet harsh with his words. Only smart people can interpret the complexity of his vocabulary and figure of speech. He even sounds so hot when he curses! "F*ck!" Hector growled in irritation as soon as he entered his office. The naughty boy just messed up his table, scribbling on the back of his files. "I told you not to touch anything, Seb!" Hector scolded his six year old brother. Would you believe it? The age gap is quite shocking to most people but Hector's father remarried six years ago and had a son. Their father died of cancer two months ago. The child's mother was currently missing and so is the six hundred million dollars in the company. The step-mother fled with the money and left her child to Mr. Hector. Everyone knew all of this so it was not an unusual thing for them to see the kid in the building. Abby remained silent in the corner while waiting for his boss to call her to his desk. "Just stop destroying my place, Seb! Can you do that?" Hector was annoyed with his little brother. No nanny could last with the stubborn brat and so he was left to take care of his younger brother while he was waiting for the new nanny to arrive. Sebastian nodded and went to the floor where his toys were scattered. He listens to James when he is around but he breaks all the rules when he's not. He was just stubborn that way so James had to look after him in his office. It was just one day and so Abby didn't mind the child's noise and naughty pranks. "Sit here next to me, I want you to read me the reports." James ordered casually, pulling the another office chair for Abby to sit. At least he was still a gentleman by instinct, right? Abby sat comfortably in the high back rotating chair and began to set up her laptop and started explaining the numbers and the activity of the funds in their company. She was already halfway through the long explanation when she was suddenly distracted by a moving object inside her. Her eyes jumped out of her laptop to check her bag and then saw what the kid was playing with! The remote control of her joystick! "What's the problem?" Hector asked, after Abby seemed agitated. "Nothing!" She yelped. The sudden rise of vibration made her jolt in her seat. Hector frowned upon her jumpiness and abnormal behavior then his ears caught a vibrating sound next to him. The vibration would stop and return again after a while so he thought that someone was incessantly calling Abby so he ordered in an authoritative tone saying, "Answer your damn phone. I'll wait." "Don't mind it,sir. Let's continue." Abby cleared her throat as she tried to focus on her work, but then she gasped harshly again and took a quick break from her explanation when the vibration was set to number ten! "Damn it!" She cursed as she did her best to clip her legs, hoping the sound of her vibrator doesn't make too much noise! But all that effort was in vain, because Hector listened attentively while looking at her with sharp breath. 'Is he angry?' Abby gulped nervously. 'Damn this naughty brat! Somebody please spank this kid for being such a headache!' Abby stole a quick glance at Hector, the silent anger radiating from her boss was giving her another reason to believe that he was a devil. 'But his eyes..' Abby forgot to remove her eyes as stared at the glowing blue eyes that were piercing her soul. Hector's eyes grew hot with.... desire? Was that lust? 'Oh, sweet mother of mercy! He's angry, Abby! He would never like someone like you!' Abby scolded herself while she bit her lips stop herself from making any sort of sounds while trying to control the tension from building up inside her but the wiggling toy and the vibration was too much for her to handle. Her release was coming soon! 'Please don't! Please don't come now! Don't do it, Abby! Not in front of Mr. Hector!' Abby fisted her hands while she fought for resistance and control of her arousal. Hector could see that Abby had no control of what was happening to her so he asked, "Who is doing this to you?" "Why is my toy not moving? Is my toy broken?" Sebastian approached and showed the remote control in his hand. Hector took away the device and simply said, "It's broken so go with Madeline and buy a new one. Make sure to not give her a problem or I will confiscate your toys." Hector said as soon as he lowered the frequency to zero. Abby gasped a huge amount of air, letting her chest breathe normally after a long time or holding her breath. She was shivering feverishly behind the desk due to the hot temperature rise in her system. She saw her boss close the door of his office with his cold shoulders facing her.. 'Should I remove this toy now? But I don't want him to see it! I've already gone through enough embarrassment, I'm not adding another one!' Abby couldn't decide what to do or say to her boss so she stood up from her seat and said, "Just fire me, sir. I've got no excuse to say to you. I'm really sorry." Abby clutched her crotch with her head down as she moved to leave but then she stopped in her tracks and staggered backwards, falling back to the edge of the table for support. Her eyes snapped in surprise as she realized what just happened.. 'He turned it on again!'
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