1396 Words

Abby woke up early and went to her first day of work in A∆A Company. She checked her phone for the fourth time since she woke up in the morning, she never received any text, chat or phone call from James which made her worry a little. 'Was he that hurt last night? Should I apologize?' her worried heart asked, but her pride answered, 'Why should I? He never apologized!' 'Yeah, he didn't.' Abby agreed to her pride, ignoring her feelings because following her heart didn't work out the last time she did. With her own pride leading her life, Abby ignored all her worries and started her day organizing her desk and work corner. It was obvious that it was her desk because her name was on it. 'Who prepared this for me? It's one good gesture.' she smiled, liking to be welcomed. Abby spent

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