Chapter 14

1954 Words

Chapter XI Robinson Makes a Tour to Explore His Island-- Employed in Basket Making I found now, That the Seasons of the Year might generally be divided, not into Summer and Winter, as in Europe; but into the Rainy Seasons, and the Dry Seasons, which were generally thus, Half February, March, Half April, Rainy, the Sun being then on, or near the Equinox. Half April, May, June, July, Half August, Dry, the Sun being then to the North of the Line. Half August, September, Half October, Rainy, the Sun being then come back. Half October, November, December, January, Half February, Dry, the Sun being then to the South of the Line. The Rainy Season sometimes held longer or shorter, as the Winds happen'd to blow; but this was the general Observation I made: After I had found by Experien

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