Chapter 11

1741 Words

Chapter VI Robinson Carries All His Riches, Provisions, Etc., into his Habitation--Dreariness of Solitude--Consolatory Reflections The kid ran by my side Into this Fence or Fortress, with infinite Labour, I carry'd all my Riches, all my Provisions, Ammunition and Stores, of which you have the Account above, and I made me a large Tent, which, to preserve me from the Rains that in one Part of the Year are very violent there, I made double, viz. One smaller Tent within, and one larger Tent above it, and cover'd the uppermost with a large Tarpaulin which I had sav'd among the Sails. And now I lay no more for a while in the Bed which I had brought on Shore, but in a Hammock, which was indeed a very good one, and belong'd to the Mate of the Ship. Into this Tent I brought all my Provisi

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