Chapter 1

156 Words
INTRODUCTION The Author of the perennial Robinson Crusoe was born in London England, in 1661. His father was a butcher, who educated his son for the ministry, among the dissenters, but could never persuade him pursue that vocation. He was remarkable for the versatility of his mind, and for his wonderful fertility of invention, and was a very voluminous writer, there being about two hundred and ten of his works extant, which through chiefly fictious, produced a lively impression of truth and reality. His political works exposed him to much suffering and pecuniary loss, which he summed up in this couplet: "No man has tasted differing fortunes more ; and thirteen times have I been rich and poor." Sir Walter Scott says; "Perhaps there exists no work in the English language which has been more generally read and more universally admired than the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe." I felt the wish to spend my life at sea
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