2007 Words

CHAPTER TWO “You are quite right,” said Vanda, calming down. “This is a very awkward conversation and we must try not to make it more difficult than it should be.” To tell the truth she was slightly ashamed of her outburst, which had only happened because she had become horribly embarrassed. “I think it is outrageous of Papa to have bothered you with this ridiculous idea,” she said, “after I had already given him my answer.” “You made your refusal very plain, I hope?” Robert asked wryly. “I told him that nothing on earth would prevail on me to marry you. I said I would rather go to the stake – ” “Yes, yes, I follow your meaning,” he interrupted, a little testily. “There is no need to elaborate.” “I just didn’t want there to be any misunderstanding.” “I assure you there is no misund

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