Chapter 3

1030 Words
I stared up at the ceiling, sighing in boredom. I can't get to sleep. Mom went into early labor some time this afternoon. It was now almost midnight and she was still in labor. Zay said she was almost ready now though. I closed my eyes only to open them a second later when there was a knock on my door. "Can I come in?" Delian. "Yeah," I replied, not moving from my position. I was comfortable with my hands behind my head and my legs stretched out. Delian walked in, a frown on her face. I immediately sat up. "Is something wrong?" She’s supposed to be with Mom. Did something go wrong? Is Mom okay? "No. She's fine right now. Zay made everyone but Xavier leave though, even if Aunt Celeste does want me there. She said she doesn't need a lot of people there. The less the better." I frowned but nodded. I remind myself that if she is with Zay then she will be okay. "Are you going to go home or wait?" Delian, like Wesley, lived in a house not too far from the pack house. Her mom has an entire room full of on the spot medical equipment. Her mom is a human, a very weak one at that. It's not her fault she had cancer but it weakened her. Apparently the room was there for if it ever came back so she can be taken care of here in the pack. "I'm going to wait. Wesley mind linked me earlier, he should be here soon." I nodded. Delian flopped down onto my bed and sighed. I picked up my blanket, which had fallen off of my bed, and put it over her. She closed her eyes and, only a few minutes, later fell asleep. I wish I could sleep right now. I looked at Delian and smiled. Even if she is older than me, at times like this she always reminded me of a younger sister. "Hey." I looked up towards the door to see Wesley. His blond hair hung in front of his eyes. He scanned the room until his eyes landed on Delian. He smiled. "You would think with how close you two are, you would have been mates." I shook my head at him and he sat down in my desk chair. "I don't have a mate," I said and traced the word 'Inamatus' on my neck. "Besides, Delian is like a sister to me. That would be creepy." "Incest is not wincest." I rose a brow at him and he shrugged. "Parker said that about some anime characters once." Like that would help with my confusion. I never really got into anime or TV shows. I was too busy with training and my studies. Even on Saturdays I would be doing Alpha training, at my request, so I had time to do my homework the other days. The only times I would go out is when someone like Delian or Wesley dragged me out. "I'm disturbed that anime, or anything, has incest. That's just f****d up." Wesley nodded in agreement. Delian groaned and curled up more on my bed. "Let's be quiet. If we can't sleep there is no reason for her not to sleep." He nodded in agreement. "Should we go wait outside Zay's office? I think a lot of people have gone off to bed by now." I shook my head. "I think I'm going to go for a run. I'm too restless to just sit around and wait. Mind link me if anything happens and I'll be back right away." He nodded. "Are you sure you want to go alone? It's almost one in the morning." I felt a surge of anger go through me but pushed it back down. "I'm fine. I'm not weak," I hissed and pushed myself up. Delian stirred and I cursed myself. If she wakes up, no way will I be able to go alone. I quickly left my room and went downstairs. I looked towards Zay's office. A few people were waiting outside the office. I nodded to those who saw me and went out the back. I walked to the tree line and stripped out of the pants I was wearing. I closed my eyes and took in the night air. I felt my bones start to snap in different directions and lengthen or shorten where needed. I fell to the ground and let the ripples go throughout my body. When I opened my eyes again everything was more clear, sounds were louder but better, and overall I just felt complete. I started to sprint through the woods. I jumped over rocks or logs that were in my way, going further away from the pack house every minute. I pushed myself further. I need to run faster, run better. Dad is twice as fast as me. I need to run faster. In minutes I'm running so fast I don't even see the branch in front of me. My right front paw hits the branch making me topple over. I tuck my head more towards my chest so I don't get injured from the impact. It puts a risk on my neck but not a big one. I stop rolling. Leaves are now in my mouth and I spit them out. I hope I didn't swallow a bug. I shake my head and push myself up. I look around to see I'm almost outside of the pack's territory. The warriors are bound to be around here somewhere. Maybe I'll just turn back now. As I go to turn around and run something catches my eye. I squint a bit and look just past the border line. Hiding behind a tree there is a wolf standing with his head held up high. He has dirty blond fur and forest green eyes. My first thought is Wesley but his eyes aren't the same. I shake my head as I try to think if I've seen this wolf before but when my gaze comes back to the same area the wolf is gone. Maybe the lack of sleep is getting to me.
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