For the rest of the afternoon, Doug hung around the attic trying to convince Geoff to join the band. “You’re in,” he said, as if that settled it. “In what?” Geoff asked. “I don’t want to be in anything. I have a scholarship to maintain.” Larry stretched out on the bed beside his friend, careful not to lay on the comic books strewn about. “It doesn’t take up much time,” he assured Geoff. “I mean, really. With a voice like yours, do you even need to practice? You can probably just show up to the gig and you’ll be fine.” But Geoff persisted, “I don’t want to be in the band, okay? I don’t—” “You’re a music major, aren’t you?” Doug only knew that because Larry had told him. To be fair, he was a music education major, which meant he planned to actually teach with his degree and not perform o