Being Fine

1520 Words

Maddie's POV Mariko brought me to the hospital out of concern. I know his worries about the long-term effects due to the accidental overdose. I am positive that I am okay and so is the baby. Mariko was sitting beside me, holding my hand as I lay on the hospital bed. Dr Rodriguez is doing a transvaginal ultrasound because I am early in my pregnancy. The heartbeat was strong and I smiled. "Your little one is doing fine," Dr Rodriguez said. "Everything looks good," she smiled as she removed the ultrasound wand from within me. Mariko squeezed my hand and I looked at him. He was smiling. "I never thought that we would be at this point. Having a baby. It was never in my plans but I love it already," he admitted. "Me too," I replied. "I will need you to take it easy," Dr Rodeiguez instru

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