
1345 Words

Maddie's POV Mariko didn't allow me to continue with my studies last night, because of my morning sickness. It is awful. He tucked me into bed before he had taken a shower. Bella had shown me all of her sketches that she had done. I was also a bit confident about writing my test today. I spent a lot of time going through it. I was dressed in a floral sundress and sandals. My hair was loose as I got ready to go to college for my test. I walked down the hallway towards the lounge. I could hear Bella being all excited. When I got to the lounge, Mariko walked towards me from the kitchen and Bella was sitting on the sofa. I saw a bigger bag that was next to the sofa. "Maddie!" Bella got off the sofa and ran to me. I crouched as she ran into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "

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